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Never Seen Anything Like It

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You seem to have friends from everywere it must be like the united colours of beniton round your gaff on party night.

Like Madonnas nursery ! Lol

People in burkas fighting over a pork pie really lol ?

Not at all and I'm not gonna rise to some muppet on a forum..believe me or don't. Look at the other comments on this thread from people who have seen the same thing with there own eyes. Why would I lie

I do not know perhaps its because your from BERKSHIRE

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This thread does not sound true to me .

How so?


Just sounds a pack of lies to me .............has your nose grown an inch or two



Saw the very same thing in my local Tesco last week Micky,except it was Chinese/Asian,s grabbing the reduced veg/salad trolley before it reached the aisle.....strangest thing is we have very,very few of either round here...

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Not at all and I'm not gonna rise to some muppet on a forum..believe me or don't. Look at the other comments on this thread from people who have seen the same thing with there own eyes. Why would I lie

I do not know perhaps its because your from BERKSHIRE
Not really sure what you meant by that to be honest. Like I said I'm not bothered one way or the other whether you believe me or not. There's no political hidden agenda to my comment...I didn't even single out a specific race. I was just venting and wondering if it was a common occurence
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This thread does not sound true to me .

How so?

I dont fecking believe it an Aldi in Berkshire com on :hmm:
We do have an Aldi here but this was in Asda

Even less credible an Asda
How does the supermarket where it took place make my story any less credible?
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Not at all and I'm not gonna rise to some muppet on a forum..believe me or don't. Look at the other comments on this thread from people who have seen the same thing with there own eyes. Why would I lie

I do not know perhaps its because your from BERKSHIRE
Not really sure what you meant by that to be honest. Like I said I'm not bothered one way or the other whether you believe me or not. There's no political hidden agenda to my comment...I didn't even single out a specific race. I was just venting and wondering if it was a common occurence


Only as you go North of Bombay ooops I meant Birmingham

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Not at all and I'm not gonna rise to some muppet on a forum..believe me or don't. Look at the other comments on this thread from people who have seen the same thing with there own eyes. Why would I lie

I do not know perhaps its because your from BERKSHIRE

Not really sure what you meant by that to be honest. Like I said I'm not bothered one way or the other whether you believe me or not. There's no political hidden agenda to my comment...I didn't even single out a specific race. I was just venting and wondering if it was a common

Not as common as telling fib on here PINOCCHIO.

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You've got absolutely no reason to even think I'm lying or you would have said so already. Stop looking at where I live as that's not really relevant and If you do have a real reason then please enlighten me

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You've got absolutely no reason to even think I'm lying or you would have said so already. Stop looking at where I live as that's not really relevant and If you do have a real reason then please enlighten me

Once upon a time in Berkshire lived a little prince called Davee......................................................................................................................

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