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The wife got her insurance renewal threw today nearly £200 with legal protection with direct line ,I called them up said im looking at go compare and Avia are offering the same insurance for £140 the guy said we will match that , so i said cheers i will call you in April when my insurance gets renewed :laugh: two cars and the house insured with them for 20 years and they have no loyalty its cheaper to phone around every year now when your renewal comes up

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I think there must be a certain amount they need to make to make it worthwhile or let you go. In the past I've had them price match, other times I phone them up and say so-and-so is doing it cheaper and they have said "O.K." Click brrrrr.

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I was pissed off i was able to name 15 companys that where cheaper including Churchill which parent company is directline so im told ?. but why didnt they offer me the cheaper price because on the telly it states bigger discount to new members

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Insurance is a bit of a game. It is supposed to be about statistics with a profit margin bolted on.


If you can figure out how to play it you can bring your costs down.

£140 for car insurance? Doesn't sound too bad. Is that with excess?


It is when you have to make a claim that you see their mettle. There are companies that I won't touch after bad experiences.

Most are owned by the same people anyway so you can end up with a knock for knock scenario when you are blameless just because they are trying to recoup their losses.


I was pranged up the arse once and my insurance assessor tried to scrap my car, 'hang on, aren't you representing me?'

' Oh, both these insureance companies are the same and it will cost us less if we write yours off'


I had to get my garage to lower the quote and me pay into it to avoid a write off.


Just a game.



Get as many good drivers on your policy as you can, makes a big difference. Especially if they are female (yes I know illogical)

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