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So let me get this right ..... cassius klay shouldnt of had to go and fight for his country because 1: he was a talented boxer and because 2: he didnt have the same rights as the white man ??? Lmao



Well if you dont like it then leave ? Funny how peoples real views come out when its someone they thought highly of getting a bit of stick .. then start getting touchy and handing out insults I.e "prick" and " not worth a pig " if you dont like it lads f**k off out the country and settle in these little shitholes you love so much .... got nasher trying to belittle people calling them pricks and "son" haha and tomo saying your not worth a pig haha proper bell ends


you braught up the pig thing first,,trying to be facetious,,,,i just turned it round back on you,,,,comedy gold i thought,,,be a load of likes next to that comment later,, :thumbs:


Yeah i learned that some of the first slaves were traded for pigs.and the blacks thought it was a good deal as there familys had livestock ect ... Its a fact??? I didnt say your not worth a pig tomo

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with regard to dodging the draft,,,,,i think he had a point,,,lets face it,,back in the 60,s in the usa,,,there was still segrigation,,black folk not being able to go in some seats on a buss,,going to

security of american guys fighting... ,,lets get it right,,america had no busines being in vietnam,,,and america wasnt about to be invaded was it....   like i said treated as a second class citizen




Hypothetically, if conscripted who would consider it their civic duty to fight in another Gulf War to oust a problematic dictator for the West?

Id join again, call me a fanatic or whatever else, my fore fathers fought, bled an died so we could have this way of life, i may not agree with the whole system an culture, but theres not much i wouldnt do to ensure my kids and there kids have same chances in life jate, thsts all honext hard working decent folk heed in life, a chance, an our western societies have endured us more chances an choices that anywhere else in the world

Doubt many would join tho seeing the reaction of some on here

That's fair enough and honest of you. But do you really consider it your civic duty to die for your government blindly? There are times when the cause is unjust and it's those times when it's a citizens duty to stand up and not conform.


I can't knock a fella for taking a stance like that. I can knock his reasons but so long as he truly believes he is right then that is the right thing for him to do. It takes bollocks to not conform to society. That's totally different to draft dodging because of cowardice.


Its not blindly tho is it? Aint that an insult to the folk who died in gulf??


Id love to see how cushy ye thought life was without folk dying blindly to protect our way of life, god help us if we ever need men to join up an protect our values again, cos more than most of the im too good, i dont agree or it aint my war guys wont



It's blind if you do not consider the justification, yes.


I wouldn't presume to know whether any soldier who fought in the Gulf was serving blindly.


If you are happy to die or send loved ones to die for any cause the government see fit for any model of society that they enforce then that's fine. I just can't believe you trust the government that much by expecting every other citizen to do the same.

Edited by Born Hunter
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I dont have any problem with National service or Conscription even fighting in a war you believe in , the problem arises when you are expected to put it on the line for something that is wrong, you dont believe in or a Polician thinks its a good idea, Vietnam/Cambodia was a power struggle between America and USSR the only positive it didnt escalate to a third world war. no matter how hard the yanks tried . Korea, Vietnam, Two Gulf wars the same. . Some folk need to give their heads a rattle if you study military conflicts in history there is always some deep rooted predjudice behind them . To label some one acoward because they choose to follow their conscience doesnt bode well for the future

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So let me get this right ..... cassius klay shouldnt of had to go and fight for his country because 1: he was a talented boxer and because 2: he didnt have the same rights as the white man ??? Lmao



Well if you dont like it then leave ? Funny how peoples real views come out when its someone they thought highly of getting a bit of stick .. then start getting touchy and handing out insults I.e "prick" and " not worth a pig " if you dont like it lads f**k off out the country and settle in these little shitholes you love so much .... got nasher trying to belittle people calling them pricks and "son" haha and tomo saying your not worth a pig haha proper bell ends

Maybe if you spoke to people like a grown up you would be spoken to like a grown up ;)


As regards all this " fight for his country " and " should of stood shoulder to shoulder on the battle field " :D .....he would never have been allowed to fire a shot he was the heavyweight champion of the world do you think he would of been slung in the trenches with an M16 ?......my father was in the Raf during the second world war but wasnt allowed to do any more than instruct pe as he was a professional athlete........Ali was making a point he wasnt dodging a war.....i have no real opinion either way on what he did but i can recognise the guts it took to refuse rather than mince about pretending to be a soldier.


I did not know that they gave preferential treatment to athletes in world war 2,there lives should not be worth more because they were good at sports, you learn something every day


Plenty fought and died im sure....but yes many were held back for all sorts of reasons one of which was to " keep up morale " by continuing to compete in exhibitions etc

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But this was after your prick comment? So when before did i speak wrongly ?

Listen treacle if you want to get in an online jostle with me your going to have to be a bit more tactful than this.... you cant just come at me with a " get your coat you,ve pulled " kind of attitude you,ll have to wine and dine me,whisper sweet nothings in my ear if you want my full attention ;)


Now piss off !

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