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One Out Of Twelve Ain't Bad

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Out yesterday and set a few traps , the site was a huge old rabbit warren on a steep slope leading down to the main road , i set the traps in blocks of four spaced out across the top of the warren in what i thought were the best holes , i arrived there this morning and saw a few rabbits bouncing about but i had only caught one and had another trap fired , i will leave the traps down a little longer as a site like this patience is required and more than a little luck .



if you have any advice or criticism please write it down as i do not want any of those effing likes.




back to the motor



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Micky, is that a juby trap in the picture? Still not that well up on the older type traps, and very scarce over this side of the water. How do you rate them compared to other rabbit traps? Do you get many sprung traps compared to say a Fenn, or other type traps?

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Maybe 'up your odds ' Micky...

When block trapping with Imbras or Jubies,..I invariable fill in a few holes, and try to encourage the rabbits onto the treadle...

You are right to use the older style traps,...there were good, humane killers,...and designed for the burrow job..


All the best,.and good trapping... :victory:

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Micky, is that a juby trap in the picture? Still not that well up on the older type traps, and very scarce over this side of the water. How do you rate them compared to other rabbit traps? Do you get many sprung traps compared to say a Fenn, or other type traps?

They are Juby traps and i rate them above other traps mainly because i can set them with my feet, other traps like fenn or imbra i can no longer open with my hands , another good thing about them is that you can set them very hard and they will still fire even under the weight of a young rabbit or rat , the downsides of this trap is they are twice the weight of other rabbit killing traps and a little bulkier

A sprung Juby is rare and i think when it does happen the reason is rats , when a rabbit steps on the plate it is already between the jaws where as a rat stepping on the plate from inside the hole will be just outside and as the plate has a fair way to fall it could in theory beat the drop.I am not sure if this is right but its all i can think of .

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Why don't you like, likes?

Its idleness, people just look at a picture and press like, well i don't like , if you have a interest in a subject and come on to a forum then i think that you should engage in it . i have stopped posting in the ferreting section because of Likes and remarks like KEEP AT EM MATE, to me the site is going stale the topics are dying off one by one and the only section that seems to be thriving is general talk

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I was back this morning and had another rabbit plus a stoat , i reset the trap that caught the stoat in the same hole and lifted the rest of the traps, i think the stoat had a lot to do with the number of rabbits i caught here over the two days as i have seen quite a few rabbits at this site and would have expected a couple more .I moved the traps a hundred yards along the bank [two journeys] and left them under a tree as i may go back later in the week with a few more traps and a bit more enthusiasm.

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Rabbits seem to be a lot safer in a trap than a snare , a rabbit will squeal in a snare but in a trap its dead also the amount of steel must put them off to , up the road is the main railwayline and it is infested with rabbits and badgers and i snare rabbits along the fence and i don't recall any trouble but if i move out into the fields the foxes and badgers will take the lot.


Iwear that type of belt because its cold i cannot do up buttons or zips but i can buckle those belts

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I like block trapping i use 50 mk6 fens and block up the poorer looking or the holes that would require to much adjustment , but with the price of the traps its a sleepless night where there out set and there spending more and more time in the garage which is a shame but theres feck all safe anywhere no days

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