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Watch Yourselves Lads

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I tell you what f****d hunting up as much as anything this THL,Facebook & the rest of the f***ing bollox of so called social media..It rammed it down the throats of Joe Public,everyone was susceptible to having it force fed to them,you cannot avoid it,type lurcher into Google & you see pics which many find offensive,yes I know they are a hunting dog but not everyone is like us unfortunately,like I've said before part of ANY hunting related incident that the law are involved in then THL is at the forefront of there enquiries,don't take this as hearsay it's 100% FACT & we all know about Facebook etc..Every c**t is sick to the back teeth of reading about landowners attacked,crops driven over,high speed police chases,animals savaged & left for dead etc,talk about shooting oneself in the foot.The internet is here to stay & sadly so is the hunting ban & the penalties for breaking the law are becoming much harsher so if you play with fire long enough it's just a matter of time until you get burnt

100% agree, on this site we are cutting off our nose to spite our faces. Who actually set this site up anyway

When this site was born, hunting in all forms was legal. It's up to the people posting topics as to how we are received by the public.

Exactly, it was legal. Publicity likely lead to pressure to ban it.

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Whether we like it or not, we all know the risks involved in coursing, whether you're running Hare Fox or Deer with a dog we all know its illegal.   Me, personally I don't agree with the current law

So the term "Specials" is a name for gangs of vigilantes roaming the countryside looking for lads with dogs , that may or may not be contravening a Draconian Law called The Hunting with Dogs Act. Term

I tell you what f****d hunting up as much as anything this THL,Facebook & the rest of the f***ing bollox of so called social media..It rammed it down the throats of Joe Public,everyone was suscept

Working your dogs in this day and age should be done as the one for the pot poachers of yester year. No doubt some activities are done within the perameters of the Hunting with dogs Act but even these legitimate activities are in the sights of the Antis and Lacs. Farmer/landowners are placed under mounting pressure to desist from authorising the use of their land for any hunting activities. Any publicity however innocent relating to hunting is always manipulated to paint a distorted pictue by the Lacs and Antis to hoodwink the public to support their blinkered views. I dont know if its Bravado. Nievity or plain stupidity for the f**k the Ban brigade to continue displaying photos and write ups on public forums about their activities.but it certainly doesnt do hunting any favours.The opportunity to legally challenge the Act will neve rpresent itself if idiots insist on providing negative ammunition to the Lacs and Antis to predjudice public opinion.

Edited by desertbred
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All those years ago he would or couldn't tell anybody but his closest friend he went ferreting ect the teachers where the worst spouting there beliefs on to vulnerable youngsters , then when you took a couple of ferrets into show the kids they really showed that they had no idea what there teaching and preaching

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All those years ago he would or couldn't tell anybody but his closest friend he went ferreting ect the teachers where the worst spouting there beliefs on to vulnerable youngsters , then when you took a couple of ferrets into show the kids they really showed that they had no idea what there teaching and preaching

My grandson was taken out of class 3 months ago, why? Because he told somebody in his he had been out with me to shoot a deer.


He was told by the head teacher not to talk about such things at school and was given a letter explaining this to his mother. :censored:

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All those years ago he would or couldn't tell anybody but his closest friend he went ferreting ect the teachers where the worst spouting there beliefs on to vulnerable youngsters , then when you took a couple of ferrets into show the kids they really showed that they had no idea what there teaching and preaching

My grandson was taken out of class 3 months ago, why? Because he told somebody in his he had been out with me to shoot a deer.


He was told by the head teacher not to talk about such things at school and was given a letter explaining this to his mother. :censored:

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Short of going and making a complaint to the board of governors i dont think theres much you can do there mixing personal feeling with professional ones so your better no saying anything and just doing away

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Short of going and making a complaint to the board of governors i dont think theres much you can do there mixing personal feeling with professional ones so your better no saying anything and just doing away

He's been with me and my pal twice since and taken another one, I told him if his school is to stupid to understand, then we will keep it our secret, wether he does or not is entirely up to him :thumbs: mind you if he's anything like his father he will go to go school and shout " hey Miss I got another deer two weeks ago " just hope the apple has rolled a good distance away from the tree :laugh:

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My mates daughter been out with us since she was a nipper! Always had hassle from her school mates, now she's nearly 30 and got a good job but still has grief even now from her work colleagues. Thank God she is strong willed and loves what she is doing!

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All those years ago he would or couldn't tell anybody but his closest friend he went ferreting ect the teachers where the worst spouting there beliefs on to vulnerable youngsters , then when you took a couple of ferrets into show the kids they really showed that they had no idea what there teaching and preaching

My grandson was taken out of class 3 months ago, why? Because he told somebody in his he had been out with me to shoot a deer.


He was told by the head teacher not to talk about such things at school and was given a letter explaining this to his mother. :censored:


But that same head teacher no doubt bought meat from the supermarket that had no sort of a life while it lived, and spent its last hours or days in terror whilst others were slaughtered around it with the smell of blood and death in the air. No sort of death either, compared to the deer that had been happily browsing all unaware right up until the moment that bullet hit it. F*cking hypocrisy rules over anything else these days. :censored:

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Personally, I have come to the conclusion that you can't worry about it......you can't worry about the media, you can't worry about what others are doing, you can't worry about the ÇA or LACS.........you just have to get on and do whatever you want and set your own boundarys.

If you worried about all these things you would be worried all the time.

Edited by WILF
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Personally, I have come to the conclusion that you can't worry about it......you can't worry about the media, you can't worry about what others are doing, you can't worry about the ÇA or LACS.........you just have to get on and do whatever you want and set your own boundarys.

If you worried about all these things you would be worried all the time.


Wish I could find the time to worry about it all lol

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