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The Hunting Act relates to many forms of hunting with dogs not just coursing and just as many of those who fall foul of a unjust law are involved in other pursuits. Its easy to point the finger at coursing because thats where the anti hunt money is spent flying helicopters , half a dozen or more police vehicles, dog vans the list is endless, yes some idiots draw attention by videos photos and general unacceptable behaviour but lets get it clear they are in a minority. I was just reading about Countryside Alliances proposed campaigns for 2017 the usual fox hunting and shooting with not a mention of lads with working dogs, is it any wonder that the divide and conquer method is so sucessfull when all seem intent on fighting there own particular corner and are more than willing to keep quiet abot the rest of country activities.

why would the countryside alliance want anything to do with 97% of the idiots oh here.all anti have to do is read half the crap on here for all there ammo.talk of opening up dogs with a knife,revenge attacks on farmers,gamekeepers and there property because of the lurchermans own stupidity in the 1st place,all the poaching and boasting about it,dropping rabbits,and other things.we've all heard it on here.how are the country alliance meant to stick up for that..i don't want anything to do with em and i thank god them not me.even the working lurcher thing that some people set up aint worth dogshit. you can find some useful infomation and some gems like the ''show us your lurcher thread'' but joe public won't get to see that and some lurcher owners invite the notoriety and then exaggerate it further again.i don't blame the C.A.

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Whether we like it or not, we all know the risks involved in coursing, whether you're running Hare Fox or Deer with a dog we all know its illegal.   Me, personally I don't agree with the current law

So the term "Specials" is a name for gangs of vigilantes roaming the countryside looking for lads with dogs , that may or may not be contravening a Draconian Law called The Hunting with Dogs Act. Term

I tell you what f****d hunting up as much as anything this THL,Facebook & the rest of the f***ing bollox of so called social media..It rammed it down the throats of Joe Public,everyone was suscept


The Hunting Act relates to many forms of hunting with dogs not just coursing and just as many of those who fall foul of a unjust law are involved in other pursuits. Its easy to point the finger at coursing because thats where the anti hunt money is spent flying helicopters , half a dozen or more police vehicles, dog vans the list is endless, yes some idiots draw attention by videos photos and general unacceptable behaviour but lets get it clear they are in a minority. I was just reading about Countryside Alliances proposed campaigns for 2017 the usual fox hunting and shooting with not a mention of lads with working dogs, is it any wonder that the divide and conquer method is so sucessfull when all seem intent on fighting there own particular corner and are more than willing to keep quiet abot the rest of country activities.

why would the countryside alliance want anything to do with 97% of the idiots oh here.all anti have to do is read half the crap on here for all there ammo.talk of opening up dogs with a knife,revenge attacks on farmers,gamekeepers and there property because of the lurchermans own stupidity in the 1st place,all the poaching and boasting about it,dropping rabbits,and other things.we've all heard it on here.how are the country alliance meant to stick up for that..i don't want anything to do with em and i thank god them not me.even the working lurcher thing that some people set up aint worth dogshit. you can find some useful infomation and some gems like the ''show us your lurcher thread'' but joe public won't get to see that and some lurcher owners invite the notoriety and then exaggerate it further again.i don't blame the C.A.


The Country side Alliance is supposed to be the voice for all country sports. No one is asking them to support or condone any of the wastes of space that are in the game or the clowns on the internet but you are typical of the antis and Lacs trying to Tar all folk with the same brush. All fingers on one hand are not the same just as the majority of folk enjoying country activities are not in any way shape or form participants in some of the crap you have highlighted. If the Country Alliance doesnt want to support genuine working dog lads then it should move over and let another organisation do it. As when the time comes to vote on Repeal then who excactly will fight for the joe bloggs lads who have worked their dogs under the radar throughout only to be criminalised by a Draconian Law in your opinion is it ok for the majority of decent folk to be penalised for the stupidity of a few morons? Also as your suggesting that working dogs should be left without a voice to defend the centuries old activities , Its easy to see why the Lacs easily got such a unjust Act passed onto the Books.

Edited by desertbred
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Very true, as a big fan of the Waterloo Cup (great days out) I was well pissed with the countryside alliance, they gave coursing to the antis even though over three days of the last WC there were 15 hares killed in total, I've seen driven Hare shoots in Dorset and Hampshire that kill 500 Hares a day and some kill 1500 over the season, don't hear a dicky bird about the shooting although it upsets me a lot more than the coursing does.

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The Hunting Act relates to many forms of hunting with dogs not just coursing and just as many of those who fall foul of a unjust law are involved in other pursuits. Its easy to point the finger at coursing because thats where the anti hunt money is spent flying helicopters , half a dozen or more police vehicles, dog vans the list is endless, yes some idiots draw attention by videos photos and general unacceptable behaviour but lets get it clear they are in a minority. I was just reading about Countryside Alliances proposed campaigns for 2017 the usual fox hunting and shooting with not a mention of lads with working dogs, is it any wonder that the divide and conquer method is so sucessfull when all seem intent on fighting there own particular corner and are more than willing to keep quiet abot the rest of country activities.

why would the countryside alliance want anything to do with 97% of the idiots oh here.all anti have to do is read half the crap on here for all there ammo.talk of opening up dogs with a knife,revenge attacks on farmers,gamekeepers and there property because of the lurchermans own stupidity in the 1st place,all the poaching and boasting about it,dropping rabbits,and other things.we've all heard it on here.how are the country alliance meant to stick up for that..i don't want anything to do with em and i thank god them not me.even the working lurcher thing that some people set up aint worth dogshit. you can find some useful infomation and some gems like the ''show us your lurcher thread'' but joe public won't get to see that and some lurcher owners invite the notoriety and then exaggerate it further again.i don't blame the C.A.


Why should the CA support lurcher work? because they are desperate for new members. The CA membership numbers have noticably dropped over the last few years. Tim Bonner himself stated that he/they would do more to support and defend legal lurcher work and utilise the channels they have to the media to do so. What they need in return is for lurcher owners to sign up to the CA membership to help fund the coffers to help fight their campaigns. They have not done anything as yet, but somebody involved with the CA needs to lean on them to give them a reminder of what they are missing out on.

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Whether we like it or not the BBC are against us in a massive way and so are all media really.I genuinely do believe that if a farmer did approach some of these lads that they would do some of the things mentioned in the report though because with a lot of matching there is money involved and it seems to of become a trend to drive to the fens to run your dog - i do feel sorry for the lurchermen who have always lived there. I am not taring the coursing community with the same brush by any means but the average lurcher man who took the odd hare is not the problem here.

What doesn't help are the pages and pages of nibblers who are not actually dog men posting pictures of there dogs with them and a hare in the other hand on social media. If there wasn't an epidemic or problem- it is now because it will soon become so hot, and the drones will fly so frequent, It won't happen anymore! I am not kidding you, I am on loads of hunting groups on facebook and the amount of saluki lurchers for sale or pups or claims to being 5/5 dogs, or this line or that is simply quite staggering and I'm not exaggerating in anyway.

Why is it not enough to just see the thing happen and know you have a decent dog?? I will not be surprised when the police create a specific unit just to tackle coursing with all the resources needed . the real running dog men will pay the price.

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Whether we like it or not the BBC are against us in a massive way and so are all media really.I genuinely do believe that if a farmer did approach some of these lads that they would do some of the things mentioned in the report though because with a lot of matching there is money involved and it seems to of become a trend to drive to the fens to run your dog - i do feel sorry for the lurchermen who have always lived there. I am not taring the coursing community with the same brush by any means but the average lurcher man who took the odd hare is not the problem here.

What doesn't help are the pages and pages of nibblers who are not actually dog men posting pictures of there dogs with them and a hare in the other hand on social media. If there wasn't an epidemic or problem- it is now because it will soon become so hot, and the drones will fly so frequent, It won't happen anymore! I am not kidding you, I am on loads of hunting groups on facebook and the amount of saluki lurchers for sale or pups or claims to being 5/5 dogs, or this line or that is simply quite staggering and I'm not exaggerating in anyway.

Why is it not enough to just see the thing happen and know you have a decent dog?? I will not be surprised when the police create a specific unit just to tackle coursing with all the resources needed . the real running dog men will pay the price.

NEWS FLASH where have you been living? they have had a speciallist unit for chasing coursers for years since 2005 in fact they have helicopter support, off road motor bikes, 4x4,s police cars and vans,mounted police, drones even poacher and coursing watch nosey folk with mobile phones. Even burglars, armed robbers , old people muggers etc dont get that much attention still its only coursers so f**k them aye.

Edited by desertbred
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The country alliance have never been the voice of the terrierman,nor the man with a running dog,or the fella with his bushing dogs,nor did their predecessors the bfss,we all knew what was going to happen,someday it was going to be banned,as in walks of life you get twats,but for some reason the dog game has more than it's fair share ,the farmers our way have had enough and are making a point,I've been on the other side of the hedge and paid the price for it,I now work hard to keep our local farmers happy,to keep my permission,been their done that ,it's time to grow up,as it's been said,what have you to worry about if you've done nothing wrong.

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I tell you what f****d hunting up as much as anything this THL,Facebook & the rest of the f***ing bollox of so called social media..It rammed it down the throats of Joe Public,everyone was susceptible to having it force fed to them,you cannot avoid it,type lurcher into Google & you see pics which many find offensive,yes I know they are a hunting dog but not everyone is like us unfortunately,like I've said before part of ANY hunting related incident that the law are involved in then THL is at the forefront of there enquiries,don't take this as hearsay it's 100% FACT & we all know about Facebook etc..Every c**t is sick to the back teeth of reading about landowners attacked,crops driven over,high speed police chases,animals savaged & left for dead etc,talk about shooting oneself in the foot.The internet is here to stay & sadly so is the hunting ban & the penalties for breaking the law are becoming much harsher so if you play with fire long enough it's just a matter of time until you get burnt ?

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I tell you what f****d hunting up as much as anything this THL,Facebook & the rest of the f***ing bollox of so called social media..It rammed it down the throats of Joe Public,everyone was susceptible to having it force fed to them,you cannot avoid it,type lurcher into Google & you see pics which many find offensive,yes I know they are a hunting dog but not everyone is like us unfortunately,like I've said before part of ANY hunting related incident that the law are involved in then THL is at the forefront of there enquiries,don't take this as hearsay it's 100% FACT & we all know about Facebook etc..Every c**t is sick to the back teeth of reading about landowners attacked,crops driven over,high speed police chases,animals savaged & left for dead etc,talk about shooting oneself in the foot.The internet is here to stay & sadly so is the hunting ban & the penalties for breaking the law are becoming much harsher so if you play with fire long enough it's just a matter of time until you get burnt ?

100% agree, on this site we are cutting off our nose to spite our faces. Who actually set this site up anyway?

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I tell you what f****d hunting up as much as anything this THL,Facebook & the rest of the f***ing bollox of so called social media..It rammed it down the throats of Joe Public,everyone was susceptible to having it force fed to them,you cannot avoid it,type lurcher into Google & you see pics which many find offensive,yes I know they are a hunting dog but not everyone is like us unfortunately,like I've said before part of ANY hunting related incident that the law are involved in then THL is at the forefront of there enquiries,don't take this as hearsay it's 100% FACT & we all know about Facebook etc..Every c**t is sick to the back teeth of reading about landowners attacked,crops driven over,high speed police chases,animals savaged & left for dead etc,talk about shooting oneself in the foot.The internet is here to stay & sadly so is the hunting ban & the penalties for breaking the law are becoming much harsher so if you play with fire long enough it's just a matter of time until you get burnt

100% agree, on this site we are cutting off our nose to spite our faces. Who actually set this site up anyway?



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I tell you what f****d hunting up as much as anything this THL,Facebook & the rest of the f***ing bollox of so called social media..It rammed it down the throats of Joe Public,everyone was susceptible to having it force fed to them,you cannot avoid it,type lurcher into Google & you see pics which many find offensive,yes I know they are a hunting dog but not everyone is like us unfortunately,like I've said before part of ANY hunting related incident that the law are involved in then THL is at the forefront of there enquiries,don't take this as hearsay it's 100% FACT & we all know about Facebook etc..Every c**t is sick to the back teeth of reading about landowners attacked,crops driven over,high speed police chases,animals savaged & left for dead etc,talk about shooting oneself in the foot.The internet is here to stay & sadly so is the hunting ban & the penalties for breaking the law are becoming much harsher so if you play with fire long enough it's just a matter of time until you get burnt

100% agree, on this site we are cutting off our nose to spite our faces. Who actually set this site up anyway?


So you don't think sites like this are detrimental to the game? No matter how much I like this site it's clear to see it's not good for the sport. The same with books and magazines. The well know Bulldog author Richard Stratton readily admits that his books have hurt the APBT.

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I tell you what f****d hunting up as much as anything this THL,Facebook & the rest of the f***ing bollox of so called social media..It rammed it down the throats of Joe Public,everyone was susceptible to having it force fed to them,you cannot avoid it,type lurcher into Google & you see pics which many find offensive,yes I know they are a hunting dog but not everyone is like us unfortunately,like I've said before part of ANY hunting related incident that the law are involved in then THL is at the forefront of there enquiries,don't take this as hearsay it's 100% FACT & we all know about Facebook etc..Every c**t is sick to the back teeth of reading about landowners attacked,crops driven over,high speed police chases,animals savaged & left for dead etc,talk about shooting oneself in the foot.The internet is here to stay & sadly so is the hunting ban & the penalties for breaking the law are becoming much harsher so if you play with fire long enough it's just a matter of time until you get burnt

100% agree, on this site we are cutting off our nose to spite our faces. Who actually set this site up anyway


When this site was born, hunting in all forms was legal. It's up to the people posting topics as to how we are received by the public.

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