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Watch Yourselves Lads

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Whether we like it or not, we all know the risks involved in coursing, whether you're running Hare Fox or Deer with a dog we all know its illegal.   Me, personally I don't agree with the current law

So the term "Specials" is a name for gangs of vigilantes roaming the countryside looking for lads with dogs , that may or may not be contravening a Draconian Law called The Hunting with Dogs Act. Term

I tell you what f****d hunting up as much as anything this THL,Facebook & the rest of the f***ing bollox of so called social media..It rammed it down the throats of Joe Public,everyone was suscept

So the term "Specials" is a name for gangs of vigilantes roaming the countryside looking for lads with dogs , that may or may not be contravening a Draconian Law called The Hunting with Dogs Act. Terms like the Wild West, Lawlessness is provocative language to inflame and provoke bands intent on finding some one to blame irrespective of what they may or may not be doing in a particular area. Having a dog resembling some thing that can run will be sufficient for you to be haranged, have your dogs confiscated, have your car/van taken and receive banning orders preventing you from entering into certain areas where the powers that be claim hare coursing, drug taking, drinking and gambling are rampant and out of the control of the relevent law enforcers . It shows piss poor standards of the crime prevention stratergies of the Police when they are encouraging possible violent altercations between groups of dog lover, country activity enthusiasts and the Lacs and Antis who have history of wandering about balclaved up terrorising and even assaulting people ,often engaged in legal country activities. Just a thought doesnt the name "Specials" conjure up visons of a paramilitary group from the North of Ireland The B specials who ochestrated many violent and deadly confrontations at the behest of the Government of the time. It certainly is the top of a very slippery slope and can only lead to an even more catastrophic situation what for because of a few lads chasing a few Rabbits its no good the powers that be talking of destroying fences and crops and threatening land ownbers and farmers when its a Law that the Government forced through that has brought the situation to its present impass.

Edited by desertbred
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Whether we like it or not, we all know the risks involved in coursing, whether you're running Hare Fox or Deer with a dog we all know its illegal.


Me, personally I don't agree with the current laws, but if I value my dogs and my vehicle I will recognise the law, can you afford not to, I can't?


I don't know what the answer is, but I do know one thing. I will not slip my dogs in a hot area and risk losing my dogs and pick up, and I certainly won't be taking a fcuking camera or bragging about any NON PERMISSION activities on here. Some people just play right into the medias hands and paint a black picture blacker than it already is.


Time to be a bit more tactful gents, enjoy what you're doing but no need to broadcast it. ATB Del

Good post and fully agree with it. I've poached for the most part of my hunting time pre-ban but now it's a different ball game. Some people have more to lose than others for obvious reasons.

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The Hunting Act relates to many forms of hunting with dogs not just coursing and just as many of those who fall foul of a unjust law are involved in other pursuits. Its easy to point the finger at coursing because thats where the anti hunt money is spent flying helicopters , half a dozen or more police vehicles, dog vans the list is endless, yes some idiots draw attention by videos photos and general unacceptable behaviour but lets get it clear they are in a minority. I was just reading about Countryside Alliances proposed campaigns for 2017 the usual fox hunting and shooting with not a mention of lads with working dogs, is it any wonder that the divide and conquer method is so sucessfull when all seem intent on fighting there own particular corner and are more than willing to keep quiet abot the rest of country activities.

Edited by desertbred
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The Hunting Act relates to many forms of hunting with dogs just not coursing and juust as many of those who fall foulof a unjust law are involved in other pursuits. Its easy to pont the finger at coursing because thats where the anti hunt money is spent flying helicopters , half a dozen or morepolice vehicles, dog vans the list is endless, yes some idiots draw attention by videos photos and general unacceptable behaviour but lets get it clear they are in a minority. I was just reading about Countryside Alliances proposed campaigns for 2017 the usual fox hunting and shooting with not a mention of lads with working dogs, is it any wonder that the divide and conquer method is so sucessfull when all seem intent on fighting there own particular corner and are more than willing to keep quiet abot the rest of country activities.

The minority are the problem then DB, bringing unwanted attention to others. But anti's or the law don't see minority they see a man with a dog chasing a animal.


Then everybody with a hunting type dog gets branded. Sad but true.

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Down in Devon we had a spate of lads having their running dogs confiscated when caught with deer, once in a van (red handed mate) the other at the guys house. Both lost dogs under cruelty to animals legislation.

Having a deer and a dog in a van is asking for trouble, hypothetically speaking someone would be better to gralloch deer and pick up when the sun is up so it's not taken at night.

As for the Beeb reports regarding "coursing" I always email my local Beeb channel whenever they have the OB/estate owner moaning about bheys having a few rabbits with their dogs and report it as coursing. They make it sound like lamping with dogs is illegal, it isn't and needs saying.

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Its like the "WILD WEST " :laugh: We have specially trained specials read sados who couldnt get into the cops but have a uniform fetish :laugh::laugh: giving there night or so a month of there own time for free feckin saddos

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Down in Devon we had a spate of lads having their running dogs confiscated when caught with deer, once in a van (red handed mate) the other at the guys house. Both lost dogs under cruelty to animals legislation.

Having a deer and a dog in a van is asking for trouble, hypothetically speaking someone would be better to gralloch deer and pick up when the sun is up so it's not taken at night.

As for the Beeb reports regarding "coursing" I always email my local Beeb channel whenever they have the OB/estate owner moaning about bheys having a few rabbits with their dogs and report it as coursing. They make it sound like lamping with dogs is illegal, it isn't and needs saying.

i like to pick up in the morning but sometimes it's a lot of traveling for some but id rather pay the extra and get home sometimes a night costs me double but I'd rather it that way than having bother off cops
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