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1.9 Woodies And A Crow

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thought id have an hour or so out with the 510 this aft seen as though its been neglected for a while!

typically as i get to the perm the trees are full but on approach they all buggered off :censored:


so i did a quick zero at my 40yrd tree


8 shots through the same hole :thumbs: no need to tweak the scope



first pigeon fell to a shoulder blade shot, hovered over it for a while while everything lined up, its not ideal threading through loads of trees but satisfaction factor is well worth it :D


not much was coming in but it could of been down to this getting dumped to the right of the picture in the old scrapyard :blink:



dropped another woodie at the other end of the wood but it needed a quick dispatch that resulted in the .9 :whistling:


and a bonus crow stoped for a jump while i was having a brew, no bambinos for this one


not a bad outing and i missed a couple too, cant have it all but theres enough meat for pigeon pittas tomorrow night :victory:



off rat bashing in a bit when it gets dark.. the best way to spend a sunday!!


atb si

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Nice shooting Si.


I could`nt get out today as the weather was constant rain until the Utd v Liverpool game kicked off :whistling:




cheers mark :thumbs:

id rather sit in the rain than watch the reds :laugh:

all my lots from ashton so its oldham or city!!


atb si

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well done si its nice when its on your doorstep mate -nice rifle

cheers ftm

id forgotten how much i like the 510, been spending most of my time with the 95k!

i take my hat off to you and your lad.... i have all on spotting birds in daylight never mind by moonlight :thumbs:

and i think i shot one bandit all last year, there like rocking horse sh!t round my way :censored:


atb si

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Adios Corveeeeeeeed.

miss bashing the crows, I've got a good rabbit perm with a long wood that runs parallel with it full of crows

but last time i went there i got a right load of sh!t off some fat cow!

she seems to think she owns it... but I've got permission off the owner and tennent!! wtf

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