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A Poor Start But Good Finish...

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Had an early start this morning, up at 530. Kettle on, made the flask.

Out the door with the ferrets and the nets.


Car didnt start. Managed to bump start her down the road, squealling from drivers front after a mile down the road, brake pad down to the metal, bugger.

Drove home got the missess car (a nice big 7 seater).


Got my ferreting buddy, and set off to the permission (45 minutes away).

Soon as we hit the road, rain rain and more rain.


We got there and farmer said we could go into a new field we hadnt shot or ferreted before, so happy days.

Farmer gave us directions to it...


Down the road, over the little bridge, field infront of you with a ram and three ewes in, walk through that field from the 5 bar gate and over the fence, half way through that field is a warren.


So off we go,

We see the sheep and go through there and over the fence, walking through the field we found 2 holes not what we expected, head scratch and a set up of the nets took ferret out and in she went, straight back out... stoat came out too, grabbed the ferret and the stoat ran off. Walking back to the car we saw the farmer,

He asked us where had we been?

We told him to the field to find the warren and only found 2 holes, to which he replies

Your in the wrong field... bugger again.

We had gone through the wrong gate and through the field.


He took us to the right field and wow what a warren. 7 nice well used holes and 3 bolt holes.


Makes a change from blackthorn and bramble hedgerows.


Set up nets and entered ferrets... bolted one straight away then missed one through the net, few minutes after ferret went back down another in the bag then another... madness


We ended up with 6 altogether.


So we decided to put ferrets and kit away and have a look around the new field, got some nice holes around the edges but some from the same warren are on the other side of a boundary fence.


We got absolutly soaked right through, only good thing is the misseses car has heated seats.

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Yeah quite lucky really, our main fields have suffolk punch horses in them they are open fields too.

Only stingers at the start of season, but they seem to have hung around for longer this year. We have hedgerows too inbetween the fields probably 15 meters deep/thick

Full of blackthorn and brambles and the fern is dead but not died back yet, its still covering the ground.

And i dont use a finder and collars as i cant afford one yet. So still abit worried of losing sight of the ferrets in the cover



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So nice when you get open field burrows after weeks of blackthorn hedges. so well done mate six out of one burrow is good going mate. Maybe try a collar with a bell, we use a 12mm bell my mate can hear them from a long way away ( I saw 12mm bells on a cat collar for about £3 in Morrison's). Unfortunately I can't hear them as somebody fired a 12 bore next to my ear one night lamping some 40 years ago and I've and ringing in my ears ever since.


Cheers Arry

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