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right folks i have to be the worst shot ever with my shotgun ,i consider my self a safe shot but by god i am rubbish ,so could any of you give me tips on improving my shooting ,would it be worth while getting some clays and practising my shooting or are they a waist of time for shooting at proper game ,i think i know what i,m doing wrong i seem to be bringing the gun up but not looking right down the barrel but looking over the barrel to the end of the gun ,if you get what i mean looking down at a angle rather than along the barrel ,so is there any tips ,someone told me the gun could be wrong for me ???? what does that mean lol

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right folks i have to be the worst shot ever with my shotgun ,i consider my self a safe shot but by god i am rubbish ,so could any of you give me tips on improving my shooting ,would it be worth while getting some clays and practising my shooting or are they a waist of time for shooting at proper game ,i think i know what i,m doing wrong i seem to be bringing the gun up but not looking right down the barrel but looking over the barrel to the end of the gun ,if you get what i mean looking down at a angle rather than along the barrel ,so is there any tips ,someone told me the gun could be wrong for me ???? what does that mean lol

zap where to start .well i do alot of clays and shooting and i say my shooting improved 100% with clays, if you can get into shooting clays it will help you, try sporting clay where u have to mount the gun that will help to move/mount/ shoot all in one swing.u have to train yourself. the way i do or did was use a mirror on the wall, stand back mount the gun up and down aim to your eye in the mirror, you will find you are all over the place till you train to bring it up right all the time and you will,also mount your gun from a corner of a room and swing the gun on the line of the ceiling to the other corner.this will get you swinging through the birds to get in front while looking at the line or the bird.now to the gun fit go to your gun dealer or someone that know how to fit a gun right and see is it fitting you ,a gun is like a pair of shoes they fit u you or they don't.but you can get a comb fitted to suit you.

.as to the way you look down. the barrel. i had to go look down mine to see, when i lock down to my stock i only see the last 6 to 8inchs of the end of the barrel if you are looking down on the barrel that seem to that the comb is to high for u but

get it fitted, i have only touched on a few technique i use. but it down to technique and getting out there and shooting,try and get this book called breaking clays by chris batha a great book very easy to follow, learn good technique and in time you be bring down bird without thinking about it . hope i have helped with out making you worse off,bird don't fly like clays but if u can read the flight of a clay and know where and how to shoot it you be able to read birds the same way.if you need to info into it or not sure what i am on about please let me know and i try and help i am not a pro but have coach clayman on this site and with his hard work we have shot for our county team the last few years,

cheers sounder

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right folks i have to be the worst shot ever with my shotgun ,i consider my self a safe shot but by god i am rubbish ,so could any of you give me tips on improving my shooting ,would it be worth while getting some clays and practising my shooting or are they a waist of time for shooting at proper game ,i think i know what i,m doing wrong i seem to be bringing the gun up but not looking right down the barrel but looking over the barrel to the end of the gun ,if you get what i mean looking down at a angle rather than along the barrel ,so is there any tips ,someone told me the gun could be wrong for me ???? what does that mean lol

zap where to start .well i do alot of clays and shooting and i say my shooting improved 100% with clays, if you can get into shooting clays it will help you, try sporting clay where u have to mount the gun that will help to move/mount/ shoot all in one swing.u have to train yourself. the way i do or did was use a mirror on the wall, stand back mount the gun up and down aim to your eye in the mirror, you will find you are all over the place till you train to bring it up right all the time and you will,also mount your gun from a corner of a room and swing the gun on the line of the ceiling to the other corner.this will get you swinging through the birds to get in front while looking at the line or the bird.now to the gun fit go to your gun dealer or someone that know how to fit a gun right and see is it fitting you ,a gun is like a pair of shoes they fit u you or they don't.but you can get a comb fitted to suit you.

.as to the way you look down. the barrel. i had to go look down mine to see, when i lock down to my stock i only see the last 6 to 8inchs of the end of the barrel if you are looking down on the barrel that seem to that the comb is to high for u but

get it fitted, i have only touched on a few technique i use. but it down to technique and getting out there and shooting,try and get this book called breaking clays by chris batha a great book very easy to follow, learn good technique and in time you be bring down bird without thinking about it . hope i have helped with out making you worse off,bird don't fly like clays but if u can read the flight of a clay and know where and how to shoot it you be able to read birds the same way.if you need to info into it or not sure what i am on about please let me know and i try and help i am not a pro but have coach clayman on this site and with his hard work we have shot for our county team the last few years, thanks for that mate i will do as you say and keep you posted i shooting on tuesday so hopefully i get a bit shooting as practise

cheers sounder

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You most probably need to start with a gun with a longer stock. Get a lesson booked at a clay ground, there is nothing better than getting the advise of a pro. Even if all you do is take that advies from one lesson and act on it, instead of a series of lessons.

Probably a few things need correcting and checking, gun fit, eye dominance, mount, swing etc etc; get a coach to check you out and act on what he says and regular clays is obviously the best way in that its the easiest way to practice at multiple shots one after the other; but you do need to know whats wrong and how to correct it first.

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You most probably need to start with a gun with a longer stock. Get a lesson booked at a clay ground, there is nothing better than getting the advise of a pro. Even if all you do is take that advies from one lesson and act on it, instead of a series of lessons.

Probably a few things need correcting and checking, gun fit, eye dominance, mount, swing etc etc; get a coach to check you out and act on what he says and regular clays is obviously the best way in that its the easiest way to practice at multiple shots one after the other; but you do need to know whats wrong and how to correct it first.


Not a lot more to add to that :thumbs: good sound advice :toast:

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

Makes me want to get a shotgun again and try to become more proficient with it myself!


I've actually owned a few shotguns, in a past life, and I swear to god I was totally and completely useless with any of them. One time I ever hit a moving target was when I got one of the original and most basic " Single Point " sights. Some of you guys may remember them? Like a couple of inches of plastic pencil which ye glued behind the bead? It somehow made ye see a f*ck off big red dot where the target was.


Went out with that on and sprung a rat. Up went the gun and it was like watching a spherical, bright red terrier close on the bugger. As it reached him, so I fired. No more rat. I was astonished.


God alone knows what my problem was. But I distinctly remember one time walking up a cock pheasent. He went up and across me. I mounted and swung the gun and, somewhere in there, found myself watching that bird as I was half aware that the gun barrel was going off in a world and direction of its own. As I see it now, looking back, it's almost as if I was bringing the gun / bead down, to get a better look at the target. God knows. But I always seemed to be doing something along those lines and I was f*cking useless from start to finish.


Never got any training, advice or read a book in my life. Took my wife to a Game Fair and she had a go at some clays there. Never touched a gun in her life. Pro' handed her a 20 bore and seemed to say about three sentences to her. Then all I saw and heard was; " Pull! ". "Bang! " Dust! :icon_eek: I was SO proud of her ~ and that's why I now stick with rifles!


If I can see it, and have time to get my cross hairs on it, I tend to hit it. But swinging a tube with a brass pin head in the end at it? I lose the plot completely! :icon_redface:


Do like the guys are saying; Show a Pro' what it is ye up to. Those guys understand and can set ye straight.

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Ditto to what all the guys are saying, go for a shooting lesson, even if it's only one, what you will pick up will be unreal, the clays will certainly help once you've ironed out the few problems with mounting etc. it takes time and effort but you'll get there..... :thumbs:

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well i was out today on our shoot its just a little fun shoot and today it was as i was shooting better ,first pheasant jumps up and i got it which straight away calmed the nerves and i seemed to stop thinking about what i was doing and i was hitting the birds ,o and a fox come out which temptaion was to much and i dropped it so it was great to come home happy with my days shooting instead of the usual disappiontment ,my mate said today he has a clay trap which he is going to give me for a bit practise,thanks again for all your advice

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