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Vacsectomy For Hob

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Also....while we are on the subject, what is everyone's personal preference for avoiding kits when a Jill and hob permanently live together.....?


1. Castration;

2. Vasectomy;

3. Jill jab; or

4. Neutering the Jill


Finally if a vasectomised hob is used to serve a Jill, do they have to be separated after the mating while she has her 'phantom pregnancy' or can they be kept together still?

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Also....while we are on the subject, what is everyone's personal preference for avoiding kits when a Jill and hob permanently live together.....?


1. Castration;

2. Vasectomy;

3. Jill jab; or

4. Neutering the Jill


Finally if a vasectomised hob is used to serve a Jill, do they have to be separated after the mating while she has her 'phantom pregnancy' or can they be kept together still?

I prefer a snipped hob you can keep them in together but its handy if theres a few in with him as with a single jill he could sgha her to death even with a few you got to keep checking them asa he might just keep doing his favorite jill and no the rest and she could end up marked or even cut

I would only castrate a hob if i was going to keep a few together

The jill jabs fine but the jill can and will often come back into season and then need another jab and repeated jabs can cause hard lumps under the injection site

i would never go down the route of neutering a jill its a major operation and i work mainly jills and if she turns out to be a real honest grafter you cant breed from her

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The problem with ferrets is not many vets like them!


If you get a 50 ish quid price for a vasectomy it's because the bet doesn't mind them, if it's 100 odd then they either don't like them or they hate doing the op because it can be a bit fiddly

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