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Invitation To Hunt, Fish And Dive In New Zealand

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Hi Fellow Hunters, Fishos and Spearos.

I have a unique situation where I am finishing up my corporate job this year and going to be hunting, fishing and diving my way around New Zealand for 3-4 months.
This is my backyard and have extensively hunted, fished and speared a large majority of NZ over the last 10 years. To see what I get up to on the weekends etc check out https://www.instagram.com/nick_binks/
I have a 4WD vehicle and boat that allows me to go to the most remote areas and islands around NZ. I also have all the gear including spare gear for people to join me.
Over this period I am happy for people to come over and I can take them out to target whatever they desire. What I ask for in return is that later this year or next year that when I am travelling I can do the same in your home town or country. Individuals and up to 3 people is manageable any more would need to discuss. I will list the species and animals that I target and the best month/time frame.
Deer (March to May)
If you are a trophy hunter or meet hunter this is the one of best times to hunt the 7 species of deer we have in NZ. Most species of stags are in Hard antler at this stage including Red deer, Wapiti, Fallow, Whitetail, Sika and Rusa. It is also the roar or rut for most of our deer species over this period. 3 day trips are great but a week is even better to get into remote areas and target some big animals.
Chamois (Any time)
Early winter is an nice time to hunt Chamy.
Tahr (May-June)
Tahr can be hunted any time of year but the best Alpine hunting is May-June when the bulls are in the Rutt. It makes spotting the mature Bulls easier as the mob up with the nannies.
Rabbits, Hair, Possums, Wallaby. These can be hunted any time of year and very accessible.
Any time of year.
Game Birds (May-July)
Our Game bird season is different lengths for different species. Mallards (green heads) and other variety of ducks is the month of May. Turkeys, Pheasant, Quail, Geese, Swan and Turkeys have a longer season.
We use many different styles to hunt the different birds and very lucky to have good numbers of all.
Game Fish
March –Late April.
Certain areas of the country fish better at different times but depending on the weather patterns ultimately determines how long the game fish stay
Albacore Tune, Yellow Fin Tuna, Big Eye Tuna, Marlin (stripped, black, Blue, Short Bill), Mako, Bronze Whaler, Blue Shark, Swordfish/Broadbill, Mahi Mah.
Common fish that can be speared or fished all year around but with better weather being Late February and April are
Yellowtail/Kingfish (One of the best fighting fish and gett up to 50kg most commonly 10-25kg)
Snapper (The best tasting and fish to hunt up to 16kg but most commonly 1kg-7kg)
There is a massive list of other fish that you can look up and I target all of them.
Crayfish/ Rock lobster
Shellfish of a huge variety.
Obviously a certain capability is required to hunt and gather a lot of what I mention above and a more competent, fit and enthusiastic outdoorsman would benefit from this opportunity.
Look forward to hearing from you.
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WOW! welcome to the forum nick! as said great offer and opportunity for someone. Im afraid I couldn't offer you much more than a few nights/days out with the dogs, ferrets and guns, a bit of course,sea and fly fishing and that's about it to be honest lol id struggle to keep you busy for a week let alone a few months :laugh:

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Welcome to THL


What a cracking first post, and an unbelievable offer, very generous.


I doubt I will make it to nz, but it is certainly on my list of places to visit.


Even if I don't come to nz, your welcome to some ferreting, shooting and sea fishing with me if you come to the uk.

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Onamission. What a guy. I honestly believe that when you land on our shores you will , through contact on this forum, get more invites for any type of hunting, fishing, (can't quite get the spear fishing into my thoughts), and anything else you want to do. The guys on here already love the idea of a trip to NZ but you know the rope is only so long. I personally look forward to any posts you make on ,sounds like, the trip of a lifetime. When you get to the UK you can be sure of a bed in my house. Jok.

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Nice pics.


Just come back from oz where all my mates a fishing, shooting 4wd types (qld)


You think you get more variety of game in nz?

Looks brilliant. Unspoilt.


Aussy has some great hunting and diving but I guess there is bit more red tape than here in NZ. We are really lucky to have a huge variety of big and small game animals right throughout the country. You can bush stalk a Stag and then hunt Chamois and Tahr in the same day if you were fit enough. Not many place in the world if any you can do that.

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