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Public Confrontation, Ramblers etc

Guest Lord B

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Guest smashygadge
I've read lord bs and Aarons comments, and I can't see what either of them have done wrong? One has had his shoot f***ed up by a bunch of townie idiots who were wandering around his estate acting like they own the place, and the other has politely asked a walker not to wander around his cover crops (which could upset the birds) to be told to f*** off. I can't see how you can say these land owners are in the wrong? I find it very rare that rich people are rude, most of the true well off types are kind folk. It's already been said that as a rule they don't mind walkers, even though they're not supposed to be there!


Call me what you want, but to go around shouting insults at people based on the info on this topic is pretty short sighted. Both have been victims of trespassers ruining their day when they've done nothing to provoke it. You can't generalise and say all rich people are rude just because you've had a bad experience with a couple of them :blink:


well i certainly havent said anything u havent said to me. as u were the one who started calling me a muppet.and my points of veiw are nothing to do with the landowners problems. i understand their problems very well and understand that they have to say and let people no when they are in the wrong.but as i stated at the start of my first comment was that iam at the opposite position of where i do go out of my way to keep

from the land owner,and keep to the right of way in place, but even so get agravation from these landowners when their is no reason for their actions.if i were to go out of my way to give them reason to talk to me the way they do i would understand.i also understand i may have been a bit rash with the way i put my first post. but its so frustating when they have problems with people who have no regards for them at all

and i do. yet still dont get the chance to explain yourself.and when a land owner has confronted me for the once and once only for being of the approved public right of way

i stated it wouldnt happen again. and i was very sorry.so a bit of respect dosnt go a miss from both partys, and i did state my point was from another prospective, and i was wound up when i wrote it, as i feel i cant walk in the public lanscape without a problem.

and didnt deserve being called names in your first sentence of your post fair enough everyone has a point of view...

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I must say I felt your rant was very generalised and seemed to be aimed at the guys posting here, which I thought was a little below the belt. Obviously a misunderstanding on my part. I apologise for calling you names, it was unnecessary. I do feel people expect a lot from land owners at times. Free shooting, a right to walk where they want etc. It can be a little one sided. You do find some land owners rather blunt, but I've always put it down to the fact that they've probably had to say it so many times before that they start to lose patience in the end. It must be frustrating for them!

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Guest smashygadge
I must say I felt your rant was very generalised and seemed to be aimed at the guys posting here, which I thought was a little below the belt. Obviously a misunderstanding on my part. I apologise for calling you names, it was unnecessary. I do feel people expect a lot from land owners at times. Free shooting, a right to walk where they want etc. It can be a little one sided. You do find some land owners rather blunt, but I've always put it down to the fact that they've probably had to say it so many times before that they start to lose patience in the end. It must be frustrating for them!


no i understand i may of seemed blunt and no it wasnt meant at the posts on the page

i was just trying to put in the side ive seen. which is from me somone that lives close to landowners, that have a point of making things hard for a genral person like myself

that wants to enjoy the country life 2.iam not saying that they are all alike and understand their frustrastions.but a little help from them in understanding that not everyone is out to ruin and upset their living and people like me can offer help if were

given time to speek etc.not just frozen out because they have had a bad day we all have them,giving a little goes along way in both aspects of the game.anyway sorry for my response to the posts :thumbs:

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I`ve had doo-gooder`s have ago at me whilst out ferreting on one of the local farms. Around this farm and through it there are alot of public footpath`s. One day i was out busy ferreting away doing the job for the farmer ,few walker`s stopped to comment on how they did`nt see many folk`s out these day`s ferreting. Had a bit crack with them and they wished me good luck with the rabbits , i said thank`s and got back to the task in hand. After catching a few rabbits i noticed a walker appear with a dog. Did`nt pay much attention to her untill she stopped and said to me "i hope your only catching what your supposed to catch" to wich i replied i certainly am. By this time she had noticed a dead rabbit on the floor and turned and said "i don`t want to walk my dog and see dead thing`s". This woman literally went bizo and started saying you hunting lot your all the same heartless b*****d`s the lot of you. Well you can imagine i was quite shocked by this woman`s antic`s. I said to this woman i`m doing a job for the farmer with written permission and i`m fully entitled to be here and you are very fortunate to have public footpath`s going through the farmer`s land so as to be able to take your dog for a walk. I told this woman that she was very narrow minded and that there would be thing`s that she did that i would not agree with , but the difference between her and me is , i engage me brain before my mouth . After my little lecture to this woman i could tell that she was fuming , but also very embarresed. There are alot of good decent land owner`s out there and i`m very fortunate to have permission on there land but i can sympathise with land owner`s who have had problems with people in the past.ATB FV :thumbs:

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