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Morris Dancers Chased Out Of Town !

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Yet more eroding of British traditions that have been carried out for hundreds of years ... fukcing shit country run by spineless maggots .........

They shouldn't have to pick they shouldn't have to worry they should be able to carry out an age old BRITISH TRADITION wherever and whenever they want .........

Your my wife now Dave

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Maybe people who get mock offended by it should look up the real reason for it themselves, anyone can find it with very little effort or would they be disappointed with the real reason they black up and nothing to do with being racist.

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Maybe people who get mock offended by it should look up the real reason for it themselves, anyone can find it with very little effort or would they be disappointed with the real reason they black up and nothing to do with being racist.

They would probably be disappointed that its actually nothing to do with racism. No white guilt card this time

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Pathetic victim mongering ignoramus. Not sure that he broke the law but his ignorance is at least in the mainstream media (and I've no doubt all over social media). Hopefully he and any other would be 'victims' of morris dancing have learned something. ?
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should get all the uk morris men together do there dancing and any interference from some immigrant then wrap those pick axe handle around the back of there heads until they understand this is England and its our tradition if they dont like it fck off

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