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Every Cloud Has A Silver Lining ......

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With Tilly laid up my hand has been forced into pushing the pup on faster than I wanted to but in all fairness she has coped well with the extra work and Sunday it all came together ... she has been steadily getting better at marking and calming down around the warren so Sunday morning I started the day with taking her to a spot full of spinnys and low laying bramble where it's impossible to purse net and you have to longnet a large area and rely on the dogs to push the rabbits hard into hitting the net and stopping them from hole hopping ... James has very kindly lent me a young bitch of his whilst Tilly is recovering and she is mustard at this sort of work which has brought cloud on leaps and bounds ... cloud was smashing through the cover never giving any of the rabbits a second to think about getting down another hole and made some nice catches in the cover which I was very pleased with ....


We had a decent bag of rabbits so in the afternoon decided to go into the Valley and mooch along and just bolt for the dogs ... cloud marked 100% every time with a good solid mark that lets you know in no uncertain terms that there's something at home ... she pulled off some lightening quick catches even holding onto a big buck rabbit that she struck and tumbled arse over tit 3 or 4 times ...


I'm over the moon with the little bitch ... for an 8 month old she is very capable and I'm quietly optimistic that she is going to be a decent animal ....


So if Tilly makes a full recovery in that time cloud should be right up to speed which will mean I will have to very capable animals in my yard ... fingers crossed .........

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Great news Ken, glad she's coming good..


We done similar warrens on Sunday, real thick heavy hedgerow, used the terriers to push em off the hedge and into the stop nets along the bottom. Terriers caught a couple of bolters

too hole hovering.... my old bitch knows the crack on that....

Edited by NEWKID
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Nice one Ken,glad shes coming good for you....I know shes been "challenging" for you lol Hoping my pups going to settle down soon,never had such a headstrong animal....Seems the extra attentions doing cloud the world of good,as you say all being well you will have two good dogs atb Dave

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It could be a blessing in disguise mate, sometimes when running a pup continuously with an accomplished dog, the pup relies on the older dog in situations and they become weak problem areas. Glad to hear she is shaping up. A.T.B with Tilly & the pup

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How's the other bitch coming on with her injury socks are the sighns looking good ?

Nice to hear youngun is coming on well

As her leg is pinned in position so the tendon can heal there is no way of knowing if it's healing until the pins come out ........

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