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Close To Death Experiences

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  On 09/01/2017 at 10:11, ftm said:

worked on a local ferry [river tyne] taking men to & from shipyards in 80,s the skipper pointed to a couple of kids waving arms trying to get our attention -we spotted a kid in water and skipper turned boat towards the kid but water was swirling around at a speed and kid went under -I dived in [already had gear off ] and swam over but kid was missing -anyone who knows the river tyne in industrial time will tell you how filthy it was and very powerful, all of a sudden I felt something grab my leg!! the kid was pulling me down with him and I just put my arm down to his and grabbed it and I don't know where my strength came from but managed to haul us both to the surface and skipper threw to life belt for us --I was ok but kid looked terrible and I thought he was a gonner but half hour later he was sitting up yabbering away --- that was my near death -his mother came down "next" day said "thanks" that was it lol

I admire a man like you mate, very brave man, respeeeeeecttt bud you seem like a goodman atb

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  On 09/01/2017 at 21:51, Tiercel said:


  On 09/01/2017 at 21:21, DogFox123 said:



  On 09/01/2017 at 21:12, Tiercel said:


  On 09/01/2017 at 20:28, DogFox123 said:


  On 09/01/2017 at 18:28, Tiercel said:


  On 09/01/2017 at 18:23, dai dogs said:


  On 09/01/2017 at 17:23, Tiercel said:

I had been to the dentist in the morning and was back too late to go to school for the afternoon, so my brother myself and two mates went fishing for the afternoon. Our fishing was walking up the river spinning for trout, we went further up the river than planned and I had to be back for a paper round. There was a short cut back home down a single line railway that took stone from the quarry down to the main line.


As we are walking down the line the daily train comes so we hide in some bushes by the side of the line and wait till the engine is out of sight, then we would jump on the steps of the ballast trucks and have a ride down to the main line. This particular day I had a lab pup with me and held him in my arms with my rod and a bag of trout. To get on the steps as the trucks were moving we would hold on to the hand rail running up the sides of steps and pull ourselves on to the steps. As I did not have a spare hand to pull myself on to the steps I ran along side the steps and tried to jump up on to the steps, but I missed and fell between the moving trucks, all I can remember is twisting between the wheels of the truck and thinking I am going to die, I could not tell you how long it went on for as the next thing I remember is sitting in a ditch at the side of the line.


My first words were "I am not dead" then I felt a numbness in my right hand and could not feel my thumb. When I looked I could not see anything as my plastic bomber jacket had been ripped and the sleeve was hanging over my hand. When I pulled the sleeve back up over my hand all I could see was my thumb flopping around my middle finger hanging on by a piece of skin and where my knuckles of my little and ring fingers should have been just a bloody mess with the bones behind the knuckles sticking out. The funny thing was even though I was just gone 15 there was no panic, and I was lucid enough to say we had to walk to the nearest farm to phone for an ambulance. When we got to the farm, which just happened to be owned by my uncles brother, his wife panicked when she saw the state of my hand, she phoned for an ambulance and was asked if they had my fingers, so one of my mates had to go back and pick them up. The blood loss was pretty substantial as you would expect and she wanted to give me strong black tea for shock. But I told her that I had not eaten all day and they could give me anaesthetic sooner because of that.


I had done some St Johns ambulance training and some of it stuck, I told them to apply a tourniquet to my arm to try and slow the blood loss, but it's strange, as there was not really any pain as such just an aching numbness from the elbow down. I think I used all my luck up that day.



Did they manage to put your fingers back on ?

Unfortunately not. My thumb was dislocated, and my middle finger was sewn back on but the tendon was cut and had to be joined so I cannot straighten it.







I lost the tip of my middle finger at work and it was worth it for the payout. I would do it again tomorrow but I don't know if money could tempt me with that, looks a mess.

Oh it's not that bad and the women seem to like it. :thumbs::D



It was a very strange sensation using the finger for the first time after having the end took off.

That happened 47 years ago and I can still feel my other two fingers, odd but true. Believe it or not if I hit my hand in a certain place I even feel pain in them just the same as if they were there and I had clouted them with a hammer.



I know the feeling pal, they removed my nail bed when they tidied the severed end up and afterwards it felt like my finger was pressing against my nail even though there was nothing there.

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  On 09/01/2017 at 21:51, Tiercel said:


  On 09/01/2017 at 21:21, DogFox123 said:


  On 09/01/2017 at 21:12, Tiercel said:


  On 09/01/2017 at 20:28, DogFox123 said:


  On 09/01/2017 at 18:28, Tiercel said:


  On 09/01/2017 at 18:23, dai dogs said:


  On 09/01/2017 at 17:23, Tiercel said:

I had been to the dentist in the morning and was back too late to go to school for the afternoon, so my brother myself and two mates went fishing for the afternoon. Our fishing was walking up the river spinning for trout, we went further up the river than planned and I had to be back for a paper round. There was a short cut back home down a single line railway that took stone from the quarry down to the main line.


As we are walking down the line the daily train comes so we hide in some bushes by the side of the line and wait till the engine is out of sight, then we would jump on the steps of the ballast trucks and have a ride down to the main line. This particular day I had a lab pup with me and held him in my arms with my rod and a bag of trout. To get on the steps as the trucks were moving we would hold on to the hand rail running up the sides of steps and pull ourselves on to the steps. As I did not have a spare hand to pull myself on to the steps I ran along side the steps and tried to jump up on to the steps, but I missed and fell between the moving trucks, all I can remember is twisting between the wheels of the truck and thinking I am going to die, I could not tell you how long it went on for as the next thing I remember is sitting in a ditch at the side of the line.


My first words were "I am not dead" then I felt a numbness in my right hand and could not feel my thumb. When I looked I could not see anything as my plastic bomber jacket had been ripped and the sleeve was hanging over my hand. When I pulled the sleeve back up over my hand all I could see was my thumb flopping around my middle finger hanging on by a piece of skin and where my knuckles of my little and ring fingers should have been just a bloody mess with the bones behind the knuckles sticking out. The funny thing was even though I was just gone 15 there was no panic, and I was lucid enough to say we had to walk to the nearest farm to phone for an ambulance. When we got to the farm, which just happened to be owned by my uncles brother, his wife panicked when she saw the state of my hand, she phoned for an ambulance and was asked if they had my fingers, so one of my mates had to go back and pick them up. The blood loss was pretty substantial as you would expect and she wanted to give me strong black tea for shock. But I told her that I had not eaten all day and they could give me anaesthetic sooner because of that.


I had done some St Johns ambulance training and some of it stuck, I told them to apply a tourniquet to my arm to try and slow the blood loss, but it's strange, as there was not really any pain as such just an aching numbness from the elbow down. I think I used all my luck up that day.



Did they manage to put your fingers back on ?

Unfortunately not. My thumb was dislocated, and my middle finger was sewn back on but the tendon was cut and had to be joined so I cannot straighten it.







I lost the tip of my middle finger at work and it was worth it for the payout. I would do it again tomorrow but I don't know if money could tempt me with that, looks a mess.

Oh it's not that bad and the women seem to like it. :thumbs::D



It was a very strange sensation using the finger for the first time after having the end took off.


That happened 47 years ago and I can still feel my other two fingers, odd but true. Believe it or not if I hit my hand in a certain place I even feel pain in them just the same as if they were there and I had clouted them with a hammer.




funny you say that Tc as my sisters ex husband has only got half a finger on the one hand and he always said he could feel the piece that was missing from time to time. he reckoned he could often feel it itching and go to scratch it but it just wasnt there.

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  On 09/01/2017 at 21:21, DogFox123 said:


  On 09/01/2017 at 21:12, Tiercel said:


  On 09/01/2017 at 20:28, DogFox123 said:


  On 09/01/2017 at 18:28, Tiercel said:


  On 09/01/2017 at 18:23, dai dogs said:


  On 09/01/2017 at 17:23, Tiercel said:

I had been to the dentist in the morning and was back too late to go to school for the afternoon, so my brother myself and two mates went fishing for the afternoon. Our fishing was walking up the river spinning for trout, we went further up the river than planned and I had to be back for a paper round. There was a short cut back home down a single line railway that took stone from the quarry down to the main line.


As we are walking down the line the daily train comes so we hide in some bushes by the side of the line and wait till the engine is out of sight, then we would jump on the steps of the ballast trucks and have a ride down to the main line. This particular day I had a lab pup with me and held him in my arms with my rod and a bag of trout. To get on the steps as the trucks were moving we would hold on to the hand rail running up the sides of steps and pull ourselves on to the steps. As I did not have a spare hand to pull myself on to the steps I ran along side the steps and tried to jump up on to the steps, but I missed and fell between the moving trucks, all I can remember is twisting between the wheels of the truck and thinking I am going to die, I could not tell you how long it went on for as the next thing I remember is sitting in a ditch at the side of the line.


My first words were "I am not dead" then I felt a numbness in my right hand and could not feel my thumb. When I looked I could not see anything as my plastic bomber jacket had been ripped and the sleeve was hanging over my hand. When I pulled the sleeve back up over my hand all I could see was my thumb flopping around my middle finger hanging on by a piece of skin and where my knuckles of my little and ring fingers should have been just a bloody mess with the bones behind the knuckles sticking out. The funny thing was even though I was just gone 15 there was no panic, and I was lucid enough to say we had to walk to the nearest farm to phone for an ambulance. When we got to the farm, which just happened to be owned by my uncles brother, his wife panicked when she saw the state of my hand, she phoned for an ambulance and was asked if they had my fingers, so one of my mates had to go back and pick them up. The blood loss was pretty substantial as you would expect and she wanted to give me strong black tea for shock. But I told her that I had not eaten all day and they could give me anaesthetic sooner because of that.


I had done some St Johns ambulance training and some of it stuck, I told them to apply a tourniquet to my arm to try and slow the blood loss, but it's strange, as there was not really any pain as such just an aching numbness from the elbow down. I think I used all my luck up that day.



Did they manage to put your fingers back on ?

Unfortunately not. My thumb was dislocated, and my middle finger was sewn back on but the tendon was cut and had to be joined so I cannot straighten it.







I lost the tip of my middle finger at work and it was worth it for the payout. I would do it again tomorrow but I don't know if money could tempt me with that, looks a mess.

Oh it's not that bad and the women seem to like it. :thumbs::D



It was a very strange sensation using the finger for the first time after having the end took off.


She said.............

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  On 10/01/2017 at 12:12, bell said:


  On 09/01/2017 at 21:21, DogFox123 said:



  On 09/01/2017 at 21:12, Tiercel said:


  On 09/01/2017 at 20:28, DogFox123 said:


  On 09/01/2017 at 18:28, Tiercel said:


  On 09/01/2017 at 18:23, dai dogs said:


  On 09/01/2017 at 17:23, Tiercel said:

I had been to the dentist in the morning and was back too late to go to school for the afternoon, so my brother myself and two mates went fishing for the afternoon. Our fishing was walking up the river spinning for trout, we went further up the river than planned and I had to be back for a paper round. There was a short cut back home down a single line railway that took stone from the quarry down to the main line.


As we are walking down the line the daily train comes so we hide in some bushes by the side of the line and wait till the engine is out of sight, then we would jump on the steps of the ballast trucks and have a ride down to the main line. This particular day I had a lab pup with me and held him in my arms with my rod and a bag of trout. To get on the steps as the trucks were moving we would hold on to the hand rail running up the sides of steps and pull ourselves on to the steps. As I did not have a spare hand to pull myself on to the steps I ran along side the steps and tried to jump up on to the steps, but I missed and fell between the moving trucks, all I can remember is twisting between the wheels of the truck and thinking I am going to die, I could not tell you how long it went on for as the next thing I remember is sitting in a ditch at the side of the line.


My first words were "I am not dead" then I felt a numbness in my right hand and could not feel my thumb. When I looked I could not see anything as my plastic bomber jacket had been ripped and the sleeve was hanging over my hand. When I pulled the sleeve back up over my hand all I could see was my thumb flopping around my middle finger hanging on by a piece of skin and where my knuckles of my little and ring fingers should have been just a bloody mess with the bones behind the knuckles sticking out. The funny thing was even though I was just gone 15 there was no panic, and I was lucid enough to say we had to walk to the nearest farm to phone for an ambulance. When we got to the farm, which just happened to be owned by my uncles brother, his wife panicked when she saw the state of my hand, she phoned for an ambulance and was asked if they had my fingers, so one of my mates had to go back and pick them up. The blood loss was pretty substantial as you would expect and she wanted to give me strong black tea for shock. But I told her that I had not eaten all day and they could give me anaesthetic sooner because of that.


I had done some St Johns ambulance training and some of it stuck, I told them to apply a tourniquet to my arm to try and slow the blood loss, but it's strange, as there was not really any pain as such just an aching numbness from the elbow down. I think I used all my luck up that day.



Did they manage to put your fingers back on ?

Unfortunately not. My thumb was dislocated, and my middle finger was sewn back on but the tendon was cut and had to be joined so I cannot straighten it.







I lost the tip of my middle finger at work and it was worth it for the payout. I would do it again tomorrow but I don't know if money could tempt me with that, looks a mess.

Oh it's not that bad and the women seem to like it. :thumbs::D



It was a very strange sensation using the finger for the first time after having the end took off.

She said.............

Both said....

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Just remembered another, about 16 years back, driving up the M5 middle lane in a fiat punto courtesy car (mine was in garage after a speeding motorbike slid down the side of it) chatting away when this xr2 came barrelling up behind, pulled out to pass but misjudged and clipped the back corner.

Spun round twice and came to rest in the overtaking lane facing on coming traffic. This was the bit where theres no armco barriers down the central reservation, just wires (Taunton/Bridgewater)

Luckily we were both unhurt and managed to scramble out and get to safety before we got hit and mateys xr2 was down the slope, through a wood fence and in the field where the giant whicker man sculpture is. Fortunately he and his missus and kid ffs were ok also.


Cheers, D.

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