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Simon Whitehead Ferreting Day

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Hello, has anyone been on one of his ferreting days? Ive only just got two ferrets, and as I dont know anyone who goes ferreting, I thought it might be a good investment to learn the basics? I could just buy the gear and give it a go, but there has to be many tricks of the trade, and a day out seeing someone actually do it has got to be worthwhile? The handy bit is he is only 25 mins up the road from me.

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Well I went today with Simon, and it was a cracking day. He didnt use purse nets, but long and stops nets due to his dog, and i learned a fair bit. Nice approachable bloke and his mate Lee were soon s

Hmm,.. You charged me twice that,....mind you,...I suppose ya get what ya pay for

On his website, it reads £60 a day, so I didn't think it was bad. What do you get for £60 nowadays? I think it's worth a pop, better to get an understanding before I try on my own, hopefully stop sill

ive not been ,,,but then ive been ferreting since 79,,,so a good few years,,,,


but hes a nice chap is simon,,met him a few times,,and if hes local enough then go for it,,,you can read all sorts in books and on here,,,but a picture saves a thousand words,,,actualy going and doing any activity is far better..


is it much money?

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On his website, it reads £60 a day, so I didn't think it was bad. What do you get for £60 nowadays? I think it's worth a pop, better to get an understanding before I try on my own, hopefully stop silly mistakes from the off

Edited by beany01
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Part of the fun is learning the hard way. Assuming the ferrets are collared and you have a spade with you, just go for it. Start with a couple open small warrens and enjoy the learning curve along with your ferrets.

Simon is the main man so if you want to go that route, why not. But it is nice to go it alone, worth a try... then at least later you will know what questions to ask!

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As said it's up to you it's your sixty notes but sixty notes will go to buying you a fair bit of Ferreting kit . Ferretings no hard work mostly it's common sense so you will pick it up as you go

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