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Conspiracy Theories/truths..

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Have yous seen the size of these buildings and the carnage that two massive planes must have caused?? A mouse fart? FFS

They didn't hit WTC7

That's right, but it did catch fire that went on in controlled. Are you convinced that wtc7 went down controlled?

I'm saying I don't believe fire alone can make a building fall down so quickly and perfectly like happened with WTC7.


No one can use the argument of thousands of gallons of jet fuel melting the steel beams in WTC7 because no aircraft hit it.


I offer no theories other than what it looks like to me, you wont get me blaming Mossad or remote control planes lol but there are some weird inconsistencies with 9/11 that are hard to believe

I think buildings are built to withstand fire giving time to be put out but anything just left to burn will surly collapse? The insides of the building including the structure could have burned enough to bring it down? Fuk knows! Also what way would a building fall if it were to come down?

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The only thing questionable about 9/11 is did they know about the attacks and not do anything about it? Anything else is just rubbish IMO.

Melting steel and having two buildings collapse into their own footprint is something that has never happened ever before, I find it pointless to talk about this to people since you then get labelled

My favourite has always been D.B.Cooper,that was a classic,no one knew who he was,got the cash,no one hurt,never seen nor heard of again.





Have yous seen the size of these buildings and the carnage that two massive planes must have caused?? A mouse fart? FFS

They didn't hit WTC7

That's right, but it did catch fire that went on in controlled. Are you convinced that wtc7 went down controlled?

I'm saying I don't believe fire alone can make a building fall down so quickly and perfectly like happened with WTC7.


No one can use the argument of thousands of gallons of jet fuel melting the steel beams in WTC7 because no aircraft hit it.


I offer no theories other than what it looks like to me, you wont get me blaming Mossad or remote control planes lol but there are some weird inconsistencies with 9/11 that are hard to believe

Just a thought mate, do you think since 9/11 they have been using evidence from it all to build towers ect differently to how they did in 1966?

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wasnt there speculation the steels and internal beams had been painted with super thermite?That stuff will burn a hole through an RSJ like a knife through butter if you do it right.

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Have yous seen the size of these buildings and the carnage that two massive planes must have caused?? A mouse fart? FFS

They didn't hit WTC7

That's right, but it did catch fire that went on in controlled. Are you convinced that wtc7 went down controlled?

I'm saying I don't believe fire alone can make a building fall down so quickly and perfectly like happened with WTC7.


No one can use the argument of thousands of gallons of jet fuel melting the steel beams in WTC7 because no aircraft hit it.


I offer no theories other than what it looks like to me, you wont get me blaming Mossad or remote control planes lol but there are some weird inconsistencies with 9/11 that are hard to believe

I think buildings are built to withstand fire giving time to be put out but anything just left to burn will surly collapse? The insides of the building including the structure could have burned enough to bring it down? Fuk knows! Also what way would a building fall if it were to come down?



This covers the engineers and architect's (who don't agree with the official story) point of view 3 hours of boring youtube videos lol




I have watched what they say, it makes sense but I am not an enginner and really sh*t at maths so I couldn't possibly be able to verify it.


I like to keep an open mind (I don't see what's wrong with doing so) but as far as 9/11 geos it's pointless to argue over, if it was some giant conspiracy we'll never know, if it isn't it will always look a bit strange.

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Tell me that isn't a controlled demolition


It does look like it, but knowing how long it takes to set something like that up, isn't it likely someone would have seen a load of blokes walking around with explosives in the weeks/months beforehand?


Or have they been "dealt with?" :ninja:

I offer no explanations, that's how you get labelled a conspiracy nut :D


All I'm saying is I cannot believe that a little fire or debris caused WTC7 to collapse perfectly like that.


The DOD, Secret Services and the CIA used that building, crazy to imagine they would occupy a building that could be knocked down by a mouse's fart lol

They did a program on how to use explosives to ring down one of the buildings in 9/11. It would have taken a week of a gang of 20 explosive guys drilling into concrete supports and installing thousands of yards of det cables to achieve.


No conspiracy just fate and some nasty Muslims.

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The pentagon is one everyone needs to look into to really understand the nature of it it just isn't possible a plane hit it one if the most secure building in America and they don't even have footage of a plane hitting it

& the lamp posts outside still standing.

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Tell me that isn't a controlled demolition


It does look like it, but knowing how long it takes to set something like that up, isn't it likely someone would have seen a load of blokes walking around with explosives in the weeks/months beforehand?


Or have they been "dealt with?" :ninja:

I offer no explanations, that's how you get labelled a conspiracy nut :D


All I'm saying is I cannot believe that a little fire or debris caused WTC7 to collapse perfectly like that.


The DOD, Secret Services and the CIA used that building, crazy to imagine they would occupy a building that could be knocked down by a mouse's fart lol

They did a program on how to use explosives to ring down one of the buildings in 9/11. It would have taken a week of a gang of 20 explosive guys drilling into concrete supports and installing thousands of yards of det cables to achieve.


No conspiracy just fate and some nasty Muslims.

If it would take all that then how did two planes, that did not get anywhere near the concrete supports bring them down?
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