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Is not Country side Alliance and the AWL supposedly fighting the corner of the joe blogs dog lad? I see a few press releases of Mr Bonner regarding the BBC activities although these have a bias towards Hunts and shooting. The Ordinary lad with dogs is either unrepresented or under represented, the various groups and organisations seem to be more interested in membership recruitment than actually getting involved at a grass roots level. Lots of lads are disinterested in clubs and associations for the very reason they feel they dont speak for or represent them. The lACS and Antis have a unified front and have a well publicised intention basically to end any kind of hunting activity. Whilst the country activity participants only seem to be interested in their own area of participation. Every nail in the coffin lid of country activities emphasises the death nell for hunting and sporting activities with dogs.The Hunting Act is only the tip of a very large iceberg and every hunting freedom that is eroded makes it all the more difficult to try to fight a rear guard action Older generation who protested against the introduction of the Act are either gone or left the sport the responsibility now lies on those who want to continue centuries old traditions why should they be criminalised for having meat in the freezer or trying to stay within a Draconian Law.

Well written db. But again, and I've said this in the past a few times, you've written the 'sport' when it comes to hunting. Hunting is hunting, not sport, and the sooner people stop using the word 'sport' the better.

I know the majority of people partaking in working dog activities etc use the word 'sport', as in 'fieldsports' etc, but we're doing ourselves no favours by continuing to use that word, it's hunting, in whatever form. Doesn't mean you still can't take pride in your dog/dogs if they work well etc, but using the word 'sport' says to all those opposed to hunting that we're doing for it fun, and 'persecuting' (their words, not mine) wildlife for a laugh.

Hunting to put meat on the table, or to eradicate pests such as rats, for example, is far less provocative to most people.


Not singling you out db, just saying in general :thumbs:


I and my companions engage in a sport we are not hunting for meat for the table as apparantly that is illegal. . People for example rabbiting for the pot using nets and ferrets that is what I would say is hunting . If you bolt rabbits with a ferret to a waiting dog and no nets you are giving the rabbit a possible escape route hence that I would say giving a sporting chance./ Flushing hares to a waiting bird is sporting as the hare can and often does evade capture , Flushing with dogs to a12 bore d/b I would say is hunting so there is clearly a distinction. Those opposed to country sports or activities have little or no interest to me and I will not alter the centuries old venacular of calling running my dogs sport as it is not to provide sustanence for me or others it is for my enjoyment so it is a sport If some thing is caught and it is edible then that is a bonus. As already said where a sporting chance is given its not hunting so the distinctions are quite clear. Do you imagine the Lacs and antis will be more impressed if you call it vermin control as their basic lynch pin is that nowadays no one needs to hunt for the table so does trying to placate those who think rod fishing is a cruel sport or battery farming or raising calves for the table is wrong are going to be any less antagonistic if you call it hunting or a sport?

Edited by desertbred
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Meat in freezers,dogs in kennels, lamps on shelves! Where the f**k are we going lads, how much more of this anti crap are we supposed to take and why isn't anything being said or done by the so called

Awl and alike should adress this and act upon it , part of the reson I have allways walked my own path, joining clubs and organisations ain't my thing, one of the resons being that they talk the talk

Just winds me up that the mindless majority think that people who work dogs (lurchers mainly) are always up to no good. When most of the time they are the fittest dogs you will ever see! But the RSPCA

Had a couple of young lads (26yrs old) there my lads mates , they live in America & are here for a wedding , anyway took them for a run today terriers bushing rabbits for the whippet , then the terriers digging a few rats , they absolutely loved it & these are the type who could be brain washed into believing the rubbish being dished out by the likes off the bbc .

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Is not Country side Alliance and the AWL supposedly fighting the corner of the joe blogs dog lad? I see a few press releases of Mr Bonner regarding the BBC activities although these have a bias towards Hunts and shooting. The Ordinary lad with dogs is either unrepresented or under represented, the various groups and organisations seem to be more interested in membership recruitment than actually getting involved at a grass roots level. Lots of lads are disinterested in clubs and associations for the very reason they feel they dont speak for or represent them. The lACS and Antis have a unified front and have a well publicised intention basically to end any kind of hunting activity. Whilst the country activity participants only seem to be interested in their own area of participation. Every nail in the coffin lid of country activities emphasises the death nell for hunting and sporting activities with dogs.The Hunting Act is only the tip of a very large iceberg and every hunting freedom that is eroded makes it all the more difficult to try to fight a rear guard action Older generation who protested against the introduction of the Act are either gone or left the sport the responsibility now lies on those who want to continue centuries old traditions why should they be criminalised for having meat in the freezer or trying to stay within a Draconian Law.

Well written db. But again, and I've said this in the past a few times, you've written the 'sport' when it comes to hunting. Hunting is hunting, not sport, and the sooner people stop using the word 'sport' the better.

I know the majority of people partaking in working dog activities etc use the word 'sport', as in 'fieldsports' etc, but we're doing ourselves no favours by continuing to use that word, it's hunting, in whatever form. Doesn't mean you still can't take pride in your dog/dogs if they work well etc, but using the word 'sport' says to all those opposed to hunting that we're doing for it fun, and 'persecuting' (their words, not mine) wildlife for a laugh.

Hunting to put meat on the table, or to eradicate pests such as rats, for example, is far less provocative to most people.


Not singling you out db, just saying in general :thumbs:


I and my companions engage in a sport we are not hunting for meat for the table as apparantly that is illegal. . People for example rabbiting for the pot using nets and ferrets that is what I would say is hunting . If you bolt rabbits with a ferret to a waiting dog and no nets you are giving the rabbit a possible escape route hence that I would say giving a sporting chance./ Flushing hares to a waiting bird is sporting as the hare can and often does evade capture , Flushing with dogs to a12 bore d/b I would say is hunting so there is clearly a distinction. Those opposed to country sports or activities have little or no interest to me and I will not alter the centuries old venacular of calling running my dogs sport as it is not to provide sustanence for me or others it is for my enjoyment so it is a sport If some thing is caught and it is edible then that is a bonus. As already said where a sporting chance is given its not hunting so the distinctions are quite clear. Do you imagine the Lacs and antis will be more impressed if you call it vermin control as their basic lynch pin is that nowadays no one needs to hunt for the table so does trying to placate those who think rod fishing is a cruel sport or battery farming or raising calves for the table is wrong are going to be any less antagonistic if you call it hunting or a sport?


I see your point entirely, and am not really disagreeing. But it's a fact that people in general are more comfortable about people hunting for the pot, and not sport. Anyway, I'm away to walk me whippet lol :thumbs:

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Have you seen the Stacey Dooley's documentaries?

She documents highly controversial topics and often she starts on middle ground being open minded and explores both sides, spends time meeting those involved and their reasons and views and often changes her initial first impression.

I think she's brilliant! She has done all sorts from abortion topics to gangs and spends a week or so in their company learning and gaining information and understanding.

She made one that was about trophy hunters I'd give it a watch if you haven't already.

She went into it having the image of 'poor Cecil the lion that was shot by the doctor who had paid thousands and posed with his lifeless body'

She spent time with a man who takes the men out to shoot the African game and had initially thought that the animal went to waste.

The spot donated the meat to a local charitable school of infants who otherwise would not have lunch and this altered her views.

She also learnt that the 'huge prices paid' to shoot wild game went to the conservation and met people who use the money to help maintain a healthy population.

Great watch would highly recommend it ??

Similarly there was the program that Rachel Carrie did with Jodie Marsh.

Jodie Marsh was a avid PETA supporter and very anti with strong views some of what were very fictional! The two initially clashed but are now I believe good friends Jodie has learnt and better understands hunting and the importance and most importantly both respect one another.

Horse racing has a huge anti following and strongly believe if it wasn't for the queen this could face a similar situation.

Shooting is another which could be penalised but of course the royalty do that too.

Simple answer ...

We need to get price Harry into ferreting and lurchers, move over Corgis! ?

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Have you seen the Stacey Dooley's documentaries?

She documents highly controversial topics and often she starts on middle ground being open minded and explores both sides, spends time meeting those involved and their reasons and views and often changes her initial first impression.

I think she's brilliant! She has done all sorts from abortion topics to gangs and spends a week or so in their company learning and gaining information and understanding.

She made one that was about trophy hunters I'd give it a watch if you haven't already.

She went into it having the image of 'poor Cecil the lion that was shot by the doctor who had paid thousands and posed with his lifeless body'

She spent time with a man who takes the men out to shoot the African game and had initially thought that the animal went to waste.

The spot donated the meat to a local charitable school of infants who otherwise would not have lunch and this altered her views.

She also learnt that the 'huge prices paid' to shoot wild game went to the conservation and met people who use the money to help maintain a healthy population.

Great watch would highly recommend it

Similarly there was the program that Rachel Carrie did with Jodie Marsh.

Jodie Marsh was a avid PETA supporter and very anti with strong views some of what were very fictional! The two initially clashed but are now I believe good friends Jodie has learnt and better understands hunting and the importance and most importantly both respect one another.

Horse racing has a huge anti following and strongly believe if it wasn't for the queen this could face a similar situation.

Shooting is another which could be penalised but of course the royalty do that too.

Simple answer ...

We need to get price Harry into ferreting and lurchers, move over Corgis!

Not another Ginger :laugh:

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Michaela do us a favour remove your picture , I 5can't concentrate on the posts being written ;) . . I will get loads off PMs now off the lads saying "Shut the Fukc up" :) :)

and very nice to :thumbs: , lovely long black hair ,90 % of the women ive been with all had long black hair :yes: even her in doors had, when she was younger lol . Right what was the post about lol :D

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How many of us with dogs and ferrets or even to feed ourselves have a shed like a butchers shop and a freezer full of meat the diffrence is, we our i wouldnt have posts on my phone or comp that are going to aid the police doing there job , everybody here is under the police and rspca radar untill you do something to get noticed and even deleting stuff is no use a it technician can reinstate posts and picts

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