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Meat in freezers,dogs in kennels, lamps on shelves! Where the f**k are we going lads, how much more of this anti crap are we supposed to take and why isn't anything being said or done by the so called

Awl and alike should adress this and act upon it , part of the reson I have allways walked my own path, joining clubs and organisations ain't my thing, one of the resons being that they talk the talk

Just winds me up that the mindless majority think that people who work dogs (lurchers mainly) are always up to no good. When most of the time they are the fittest dogs you will ever see! But the RSPCA

f***ing despicable piece. Fair enough there was criminal activity but keeping dogs locked up, keeping lamping equipment or having meat in your freezer isn't against the law. c**ts are only out to tarnish and portray law abiding dog work as being evil and blur the lines of what is and isn't okay. Wa*nkers.

Edited by pesky1972
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f***ing despicable piece. Fair enough there was criminal activity but keeping dogs locked up, keeping lamping equipment or having meat in your freezer isn't against the law. c**ts are only out to tarnish and portray law abiding dog work as being evil and blur the lines of what is and isn't okay. Wa*nkers.

the countryside alliance should be all over this. Driven by the AWL.

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That was on the one show a good while back , there was a thread on here



yes and I think there was a link to complain to offcom or who ever. Now I bet a fair few used that including my self. Yet nothing was ever heard yet if 3 people complain about songs of praise it makes the news

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Yes I complained ,and got a reply saying they will pass it on ...never heard any more I also contacted the BBC

me too. It needs a national "body" to ask for them to make accurate representation of the working lurcher and its legalities.

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Meat in freezers,dogs in kennels, lamps on shelves! Where the f**k are we going lads, how much more of this anti crap are we supposed to take and why isn't anything being said or done by the so called pro hunting organisations we look up to for support??

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Meat in freezers,dogs in kennels, lamps on shelves! Where the f**k are we going lads, how much more of this anti crap are we supposed to take and why isn't anything being said or done by the so called pro hunting organisations we look up to for support??

99% of lurcher owners have meat in a freezer,a lamp,and dogs in a kennel,the one show should be boycotted for a story that wasnt a story,where do they dredge that crap up from?

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Meat in freezers,dogs in kennels, lamps on shelves! Where the f**k are we going lads, how much more of this anti crap are we supposed to take and why isn't anything being said or done by the so called pro hunting organisations we look up to for support??

99% of lurcher owners have meat in a freezer,a lamp,and dogs in a kennel,the one show should be boycotted for a story that wasnt a story,where do they dredge that crap up from?


and 99% of lurcher owners dont brag about it or film it. Well I'd like to think not, but...............

Jobs on its knee's

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They are scraping the barrel with this sh-t all the people in the world getting killed and they have to report just Sh-t have they nothing better to report than this you just have to look at pet dogs condition and look at them dogs they were in good nick love there job.

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Meat in freezers,dogs in kennels, lamps on shelves! Where the f**k are we going lads, how much more of this anti crap are we supposed to take and why isn't anything being said or done by the so called pro hunting organisations we look up to for support??

I know allot of people that feed their non lurcher dogs on a raw diet with freezers full of meat.

It's the best and healthiest fodder a dog can have isn't it?

The RSPCA are so contradicting, the take dogs off people if they are not feeding them correctly or dogs that are chained up with innadiquate exercise.

They take a well fed healthy dog that's fit and has I assume plenty of daily exercise and sticks it in a kennel and feeds it dog biscuits ??.

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Don't forget he had a knife that was probably used to cut meat up though lol

makes you shudder don't it :laugh:


mind I will sleep well tonite knowing them poor dogs will never again endure the horrors they been forced to partake in, :cray: Id wager that bull x loved every minute of it :thumbs: poor things will be miserable in said safe loving home :censored:


fair does them boys did themselves no favours but lots of us done the same with pics etc you live n learn, but the whole report was a shower of shite, not even any real attempt too ramp it up , they that sure people are that gullible to fall for it,


way that rspca divvy spoke saying people who hunt are unstable cruel etc would he say that too the local magistrate and toffs aristocrisy etc who all hunt,

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