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Meat in freezers,dogs in kennels, lamps on shelves! Where the f**k are we going lads, how much more of this anti crap are we supposed to take and why isn't anything being said or done by the so called

Awl and alike should adress this and act upon it , part of the reson I have allways walked my own path, joining clubs and organisations ain't my thing, one of the resons being that they talk the talk

Just winds me up that the mindless majority think that people who work dogs (lurchers mainly) are always up to no good. When most of the time they are the fittest dogs you will ever see! But the RSPCA

and clunes is just a f***ing muppet, what a knob, his show about dogs is rubbish, the crap he spouted shows he know nothing of them

Yeah but clunes was on a show were they were using terriers on a farm to kill rats and said nout about that he's nothing but a two faced fcuk it's all about ratings and brainwash the general public.

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Not long had my grown up daughter and my teenage grandaughter on the phone upset and concerned after watching that unbelievably anti crap programme. They were concerned that I have a shed which contains all my hunting paraphernalia including a chest freezer containing an assortment of legally taken game! Would I be better off getting rid!! It took a lot of reassurance to convince them that I was not breaking any law by having these items in my possession! So upset twice in one night, so lads who have said tarred with the same brush are not far from the truth. Keep the faith lads!

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Once again the Lacs and the antis in collusion with the rspca and the publicly owned BBC are running rings round the pro hunting lobby , the groups representing hunting and country activities especially those representing working dog lads need to get the juganaut rolling sharp or pretty soon it will be a criminal offence to own a working hunting dog and it will be compulsary to be a vegetarian. Seriously the dyke is not being repaired by a finger in it .

Edited by desertbred
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Meat in freezers,dogs in kennels, lamps on shelves! Where the f**k are we going lads, how much more of this anti crap are we supposed to take and why isn't anything being said or done by the so called pro hunting organisations we look up to for support??

What you mean like that proud organisation that had its name watered down ?
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Haven't seen it, these shows are all the same, total rubbish spouted by clueless people that seem to have lived there lives in a box, they'll read any shite put in front of them, the few presenter's that are involved in fieldsports daren't admit it incase there families are threatened, the shows where they get someone for and against the quiet normal hunting fella can't get a word in because the other is always a nutty gobshite.

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Haven't seen it, these shows are all the same, total rubbish spouted by clueless people that seem to have lived there lives in a box, they'll read any shite put in front of them, the few presenter's that are involved in fieldsports daren't admit it incase there families are threatened, the shows where they get someone for and against the quiet normal hunting fella can't get a word in because the other is always a nutty gobshite.

Met one of them types the other week who'd left her office job to stand at a stall, goat eyed, and gob like a gatling gun, looked like she'd been brainwashed be fukced
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Meat in freezers,dogs in kennels, lamps on shelves! Where the f**k are we going lads, how much more of this anti crap are we supposed to take and why isn't anything being said or done by the so called pro hunting organisations we look up to for support??

I've said it for years , we need a documentary

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Meat in freezers,dogs in kennels, lamps on shelves! Where the f**k are we going lads, how much more of this anti crap are we supposed to take and why isn't anything being said or done by the so called pro hunting organisations we look up to for support??

I've said it for years , we need a documentary

I agree we need to find a way of putting our side accross no good sitting on here bitching about it in the last thread there were emails sent complaints made and they've run another story on it !!

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Write on your Facebook, be proud of what you do , you don't need to hide from them


Let people know the law , let people know the government spent money on police helicopters chasing lampers and coursers while soldiers died in war for lack of helicopters


Share articles from papers,how can it be fair that a drunk driver can be pulled over and keep his car while a lad running big rabbits has his crushed?


Don't be afraid , stand up as lurchers will be at crufts if we don't

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