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Earthdog Runningdog Magazines

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f**k me what a turn of events .I thought the arse lickers would have swarmed all over this but instead its good old men of the truth saying it as it is .Restored a bit of respect from the goings on of late .I've got maybe 40 mags if anyone wants them .Quite recent but need to go ,pm me .

the we're all arse lickers of harcombe.his pictures. Dogs. Etc.and nuttal was the only one who told truth about them. As Above. Harcombes hypercrites an liars. The were all stuck up his arse or jealous.
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I am not a terrierman,..but I've grown up around a fair few,.... Dave Harcombe ,..by dint of his writing,..plus by giving other enthusiasts, the opportunity to put their expertise, onto the printed

I don't understand all this crabbing of Harcombe. He might tell the odd fib about a days digging but at least he's willing to put his neck on the line and publish his thoughts and diaries every month,

Regardless of what Mr harcombe has or hasn't done he's still passionate about working terriers...met him a welsh game fair few years back and he took the time to sign all my books by him...took the ti

If only Mr Harcombe knew how much his political views, through his mag, probably cost him over the years through folk not re-subscribing ,but it's his magazine and he's entitled to write or publish in it what he want's.

Personally I stopped getting it because of the lack of terrier and historical articles (Anyone remember the Welsh Doctor who used to contribute excellent articles) and too much whippet and going for a walk in the swamp articles.

Bosun mention The Working Terrier mag which then became The Working Terrier and Running Dog and they were good.

Before them was the Working Terrier Yearbooks and they were edited by D.H. and IMO the first editions of those are proper collector items. They were good.

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The swamp articles were tidy, The doctor things bang on also, I got the mag from 95 until 210 I think.


Just a savage decrease in the calibre of stuff , I looked forward to Cumbrian , darcy, rich, Sarah Moffatt even Tom Riley every month but they all stopped really and i was sickened by the lack of articles


I didn't mind the political stuff, I was pointed out the west wales stuff by someone and struggled to look the same again at them

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I reckon the old Yearbooks were so good because it was the only voice Terriermen had to express their views, a lot would delve into their dogs history and give accounts of their dogs and digs openly and it made for a great read. But nowadays the Internet is here and every Tom Dick and Harry thinks they know everything and hide behind usernames to shoot anyone down in a ball of flames if they dare say something good about their own dog or their line and it's forced everybody back into their little circles and to keep quiet which is a crying shame IMHO.

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I reckon the old Yearbooks were so good because it was the only voice Terriermen had to express their views, a lot would delve into their dogs history and give accounts of their dogs and digs openly and it made for a great read. But nowadays the Internet is here and every Tom Dick and Harry thinks they know everything and hide behind usernames to shoot anyone down in a ball of flames if they dare say something good about their own dog or their line and it's forced everybody back into their little circles and to keep quiet which is a crying shame IMHO.

I would say the complete opposite mate .The internet and this site really,opened up the whole country to me where as before I joined I was tied to a few half hearted lads .Life is what you make it .Forgot the bickering on here ,its not real life just banter going nowhere.Post what you want and defend it .Some seem to centre their whole life around this place rather than treat it as light relief from the boring side of life ,like work .Mr Harcombe has a talent for writing no doubt and I agree with his political stance and without the internet and the travels its brought me ,I would be looking up to the man but having seen him in action ,doubling up in a puppy spot really ,my enthusiasm deflated right there and then .

One thing I do admire is his forthright beliefs that he stands by and is not afraid to put in print .His continual slagging of rifelmen however did piss me off when in the next sentence he writes of shooting a brace in a stop end ,bit hypocritical to my way of thinking .I think personally the mag has run its course but just my view .

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The swamp articles were tidy, The doctor things bang on also, I got the mag from 95 until 210 I think.


Just a savage decrease in the calibre of stuff , I looked forward to Cumbrian , darcy, rich, Sarah Moffatt even Tom Riley every month but they all stopped really and i was sickened by the lack of articles


I didn't mind the political stuff, I was pointed out the west wales stuff by someone and struggled to look the same again at them


The swamp articles were tidy, The doctor things bang on also, I got the mag from 95 until 210 I think.


Just a savage decrease in the calibre of stuff , I looked forward to Cumbrian , darcy, rich, Sarah Moffatt even Tom Riley every month but they all stopped really and i was sickened by the lack of articles


I didn't mind the political stuff, I was pointed out the west wales stuff by someone and struggled to look the same again at them

i got it from the first issue enjoyed the same authors as yourself plus old sammy vaughan arthur wyman etc but as they dropped off the mag went downhill in my opinion.

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Mr harcombe through he's words in he's magazine have done more for terrier work than most ever will.

no ones perfect none especially on here !

what has he done?
my young nephews read he's magazine without fail and if he inspires one young lad to take up digging then I'd say he's done a he's bit to insure that there might be a future for terrier work .
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all you lads that dont like the present writers should send in articles on your days out then you cant complain as it would be full of well written and exciting days, articles of marathon courses and epic digs and they would all be true, of course they would as the lads on here wouldnt add bits on or miss bits out .....would they ?

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