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Strangest Place You Seen A Rabbit To

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Not hunting related ,but just nipped up town and there is decent sized adult rabbit dead in middle of road in between budgens car park and their loading bay ,there is the riverbank other side the car park and gardens behind the loading bay but funny place to see one.As the surrounding countryside isn't have many rabbits in it.

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I seen a rabbit in the missus bed side cabinet, noisy b*****d it was too

theres one i remember in particular trigg,,,,must be 25 or more year ago now,,up the dales,,,one of them runs almost like a hare,,bloody good rabbit it was took the dog all over this little field,,,th

watched a good few take to rivers to get away from the dog,,,same with hares,,,also ran a hare up a hollow tree ,,at an angle to the groundhe was about 4 foot up of the ground ,,,we could see him thro

forth road bridge in scotland,, on the north bound ramp,,,,it wasnt over the water ,,,but was a bloody long way up the ramp,,,the ramp must be 1/4 mile befor it gets over the water ,,,and high of the ground,,,,


30 years ago when we used to go up dales ,,,,the m1 finished at leeds,,,you came off the motorway surounded by city ,,and there was a big roundabout,,,there was always a good few on there,,alive these were,,,,


growing up as a kid,,,the steel stock yards round the colleries always had a few alive in,,,

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Plenty knocking about the skatepark next to rowing club-knocking them over from my fishing swims with the air rifle a few times-mates fished for a few hours yesterday in the frost,seen a load out there.I seen the odd one or two in the middle of the tunnel before you turn off for garage.atb dc

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had me stumped until i saw a fallen tree had fallen on the other side and had made a ramp up the say,d tree lol


me and Viz were stumped


theres a rabbit up that tree


feck off your seeing things


there is theres a rabbit up that tree


your right theres a rabbit up that tree


we let it be by the way but ill not forget it lol :laugh:


atvbmac :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

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Lurcher caught a rabbit 6ft up a hollow tree, not sure what shocked me more turning round and seeing the dog the same height as me digging at the tree or the rabbit that popped out of the tree! Seen loads on roundabouts surrounded by large roads that have no right to be there to.

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Plenty knocking about the skatepark next to rowing club-knocking them over from my fishing swims with the air rifle a few times-mates fished for a few hours yesterday in the frost,seen a load out there.I seen the odd one or two in the middle of the tunnel before you turn off for garage.atb dc

Always been few on Hereford rd out of town but not out back of new estate,though I just seen some young ones there this summer so 1 or 2 adults must moved in this year, hopefully they will establish and the ground not get built on.

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