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How can burning poppies in any way be compared to slinging a few slices of bacon on the floor for f**k sake !.....if these Muslims want to live side by side with us then they need to get a bit of a se

A tribute....RIP  

How long did those Muslims get who set fire to a poppy wreath during a remembrance parade, err f**k all that's how long and this geezer gets 12 months for tying some bacon in a mosque handle? Glad to

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How can burning poppies in any way be compared to slinging a few slices of bacon on the floor for f**k sake !.....if these Muslims want to live side by side with us then they need to get a bit of a sense of humour and not act so victimised all the time nobody likes a whinger.......we Brits take the piss out of each other its no big deal.... 12 months bird for having a bit of laugh is barmy !

Edited by gnasher16
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  On 30/12/2016 at 09:57, gnasher16 said:

How can burning poppies in any way be compared to slinging a few slices of bacon on the floor for f**k sake !.....if these Muslims want to live side by side with us then they need to get a bit of a sense of humour and not act so victimised all the time nobody likes a whinger.......we Brits take the piss out of each other its no big deal.... 12 months bird for having a bit of laugh is barmy !

The poppies was my example mate, this bloke who died got 12 months for tying some bacon to the door handle of a mosque. A few years ago two Muslims (one I think was Choudry) set fire to a wreath of poppies at a remembrance parade with troops marching past. Arrested cautioned, No jail for them.


Why is the law enforced in one example and not the other? And they wonder why people are sick of it.

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  On 30/12/2016 at 09:57, gnasher16 said:

How can burning poppies in any way be compared to slinging a few slices of bacon on the floor for f**k sake !.....if these Muslims want to live side by side with us then they need to get a bit of a sense of humour and not act so victimised all the time nobody likes a whinger.......we Brits take the piss out of each other its no big deal.... 12 months bird for having a bit of laugh is barmy !

12 months was a bit rash

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  On 30/12/2016 at 11:17, greg64 said:


  On 30/12/2016 at 09:57, gnasher16 said:


How can burning poppies in any way be compared to slinging a few slices of bacon on the floor for f**k sake !.....if these Muslims want to live side by side with us then they need to get a bit of a sense of humour and not act so victimised all the time nobody likes a whinger.......we Brits take the piss out of each other its no big deal.... 12 months bird for having a bit of laugh is barmy !

12 months was a bit rash

A bit rasher.....

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  On 29/12/2016 at 23:52, BGD said:

Just think, if he hadn't been such a moron he could still be alive now and still contributing nothing of value to society.

You know what? The more I read your posts/shoite the more I wonder why someone I've met off here and hold in high regard even fuucking bothers with you!!!

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  On 30/12/2016 at 10:31, The Seeker said:


  On 30/12/2016 at 09:57, gnasher16 said:

How can burning poppies in any way be compared to slinging a few slices of bacon on the floor for f**k sake !.....if these Muslims want to live side by side with us then they need to get a bit of a sense of humour and not act so victimised all the time nobody likes a whinger.......we Brits take the piss out of each other its no big deal.... 12 months bird for having a bit of laugh is barmy !

The poppies was my example mate, this bloke who died got 12 months for tying some bacon to the door handle of a mosque. A few years ago two Muslims (one I think was Choudry) set fire to a wreath of poppies at a remembrance parade with troops marching past. Arrested cautioned, No jail for them.


Why is the law enforced in one example and not the other? And they wonder why people are sick of it.


Couldnt agree more i was making the example mate not digging you out :thumbs: ......when you think of some of the atrocities being committed on children by Muslims it doesnt show them in a great light to be whingeing about a bit of bacon !

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  On 30/12/2016 at 08:51, walshie said:


  On 30/12/2016 at 00:02, BGD said:



  On 29/12/2016 at 23:52, Rusty_terrier said:


  On 29/12/2016 at 23:52, BGD said:

Just think, if he hadn't been such a moron he could still be alive now and still contributing nothing of value to society.

Bit like yerself mate
Aye sure pal and I won't be expecting any sympathy if I end up dead in jail after committing a pathetically juvenile hate crime :thumbs:

Serious question here Dave. Would you have been so flippant about a man's death if he had been a sand person jailed for burning poppies?

Yes :thumbs:

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  On 30/12/2016 at 16:56, j j m said:

sentence seems a bit harsh

Yes i thought the sentence was a bit rash.

Seriously though do anything towards our immigrant , muslim , asian friends ect ect ect and you will feel the full force of the law immediately.

If they do something to us sexual assaults , violent crimes , frauds ect the law is often slow to act.

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They should have strung the cnut up instead of giving him time costing us money. And they shouldve done the same with the poppy wreath burners.


Same as they should do with any race/religion/hate/rape/murder/peado...

or anything more than knickin a mars bar.


Just my bitter jaded view.

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