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Firkin Pi**ed Off

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the last few months ive been working 6 days a week,flat out..Was trying hard to gt a full time position for a long while and have been successful,but at a price,Ive little time off to hunt now and to be fair my dogs arent getting the work they were used to..So for weeks im looking forward to the holiday break and get a lot of days out..Last wednesday I got a cold that developed into a bad chest infection that has wiped me out.I was in the doctors christmas eve at 10 p.m.Im on steriods anti b's and an inhaler and Im advised not to do anything strenious for the next few days,and im sooo pissed off.Culdnt eat dinner yesterday,asleep on the chair most of the night,havent slept proper in 2 days due to f****n coughin,and now herself has contracted it so thats me f****n stuck in and no doubt I'll get better just before I return to work...lifes a bitch at times lol..Ive a mate then that sends me photos of his cartches and that really finishes me off :laugh: ...saying that,see the little children in the surgery christmass eve all sick as hell the poor things.The most exciting day of the year for them and they are slaughtered with sickness,I was so sorry to see the little things like that..and their parents...so I hope you all have a great hunting period and stick a few photos up just to push me over the edge lol..

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yeah but probably only Sundays ,lol All the dogs are demented right now..in a few weeks im considering on what to do with them..I may have to cut them down to a pair of dogs as I cant justify not using them..I got a job with a painting firm,11 lads in total,I was last man in,Theres five left and im still there ,so I reckon this is long term...

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After a couple of days on the antibiotics you`ll be feeling a lot better and able to get out.You`ve clearly been doing too much,You need to manage your work/life balance better and look after yourself both mentally and physically.I`ve been there myself and never again.All the best.

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After a couple of days on the antibiotics you`ll be feeling a lot better and able to get out.You`ve clearly been doing too much,You need to manage your work/life balance better and look after yourself both mentally and physically.I`ve been there myself and never again.All the best.

Saying that TD its the first year in a whileive been flush financially,fridge stacked with beer,and not a drop did i touch lol.so thats the upside to it,....the last few weeks weve been flat out getting houses finished before x mass,and after it all not a feckin bonus from the boss,just our weekly wage the dirty dog lol

Edited by jigsaw
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Same here bloody chest infection on anti biotics, I haven't even seen the doctor for over two years but soon as Christmas holidays come WHAM here have a does of that.


Coughing and spluttering through the night, I must say though the antibiotics kicked in really quick so feeling much better.


Hope you recover soon Jig



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Does anyone use a home cure for colds/ flu or prevention better than cure, teaspoon sugar & butter me for sore throats



Mid forties now..pint of grapefruit juice every morning when I first wake..followed by a coffee and then half a glass of orange juice before food. Set in my ways I suppose but never been bad for years!



Probably said it now and catch a bug or something tomorrow

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