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A Daft Question

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I was talking to a local keeper a couple of days ago and he can't even see in drizzle. He says it makes the whole screen look fuzzy and you might as well stay in bed .

It's nice to hear there's still hope for the wildlife then. The keepers up here are out 5 days a week with the b*****d annihilating everything. One keeper I know said they dont even use the lamp anymore. Look for foxes with the thermal, and then use the night vision on the rifle and BANG! As Jim Royle would say 'Sportsmen my ARSE!' Edited by Rabbit Hunter
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All keepers aren't like you then mate. Some see every fox as a pest and will do whatever means necessary to eradicate as many as they can. I disagree on the snaring argument too. Id say rifles account for more foxes than all snares, dog lads and hunts combined around where I live and the surrounding area.

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All keepers aren't like you then mate. Some see every fox as a pest and will do whatever means necessary to eradicate as many as they can. I disagree on the snaring argument too. Id say rifles account for more foxes than all snares, dog lads and hunts combined around where I live and the surrounding area.

Snares work 24hrs a day,every day.

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But it can only catch once until it's reset. A gun can fire and fire again. You get my drift we'll leave it at that lol.

Give up whist you think your ahead.
I'm not giving up. From personal experience I still totally believe that rifles are the main killer of foxes where I am and where I hunt. I just know what an argumentative twat you are so I can't be arsed to run it for pages and pages.
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