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Tag Along South Wales

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Would any one be willing for me to tag along one day. As the saying goes I have all the gear but no idea, plus none of my mates are in to ferreting as you all know ferreting isn't easy on your own, especially if you have little experience. all I want to do is gain experience, join a good group of ferreters and majestic some frainds along the way

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You will learn a lot on your own when you see that little white scut going up the hedge out of a missed hole or slipping out of a sloppy set net. happens to me quite a lot :laugh: Just don't take on any thing with too much cover. If the dog in the picture is broken to ferrets then you all ready have an extra set of ears and eyes :thumbs:

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He's broken to ferrets and works in the night ive had him out a few times in the day bushing with terriers and he is marking can be hit and miss most warrens in Wales along hedges so it's hard going trying to keep an eye on ferrets the dog and any bolters company would be nice joining in a group and having someone to lurn from and shear the experience with

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I imagine I speak for quite a few people. Probably you'd be very welcome but distance is a bummer. Reading posts there appears to be a fair bit in your locality so hopefully one or two will give you a chance. Don't, however, hold your breath. It takes a lot of time and effort to get permissions which are not shared . Tough old world. Also, have you noticed the number of posts stating that numbers are down and in some instances non existent. You really need to use your own skills in speaking to land owners in a way that pleases. Other than that you go out at night and hope not get caught. Wish you good cheer, and not only for Christmas. Jok.

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Im happy to come out with you, however, not been having much luck around here. Plenty of signs,shit and fresh digs, but nobody home when I've sent my ferret Down. I found a few good ones today that look promising just need cutting back. Im in Pontypool.

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