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You Never Know What's Going On In People's Heads.

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My Son died 10yrs ago today , he'd of been 28 now , he took proper sick a yr previous and he never recovered , horrific loss for my family , had some really dark days & as people have said you nee

firstly anybody who has been affected by suicide, you have my absolute sympathy. i have been touched by this awful thing on several occasions, and you need to know that there can be all sorts of reaso

No need to apologies mush, we got to open up about theses things. I am the worlds worst for bottling it up, head down and struggle on tbh ive never known any different since a kid, listening to The Sm

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Even though I used it before I don't like the term depression, it sounds like it's implying that there was nothing wrong and is purely a mental issue but there can be very real problems like money issues or family problems or both that can cause severe stress which then get misdiagnosed as depression. There's no amount of prozac that can fix real life problems like not being able to pay the mortgage.


I've been in situations where I couldn't see a way out of my own predicaments with money and other stuff going on, I didn't want to top myself but the pressure and stress was absolutely unbearable. The only way I can describe it was feeling like a bear trapped in a cage, no matter which way you turn you are still trapped and there seems to be no way out. I wouldn't call that depression rather very severe stress and I'll bet there are people who have had it far worse than me who've ended up killing themselves.

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the mind is a funny thing,i lost a mate years ago that i was on the doors with,well off not a care in the world when the club shut we all said our good buys he parked his car in the garage hose hooked up lovely lad god knows what made him do it,still miss him till this day

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Well said nik b.

Unless a person has been in that situation its hard for them to understand and chard for you to explain what's it feels like on a daily basis.

Stress related issues and depression are two different things.

Atvb and merry Christmas.


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Anyway guys, sorry for bringing the mood down in a week when we should be full of cheer.


It's not about him killing himself. It was just about how totally gobsmacked we are.

No need to apologies mush, we got to open up about theses things. I am the worlds worst for bottling it up, head down and struggle on tbh ive never known any different since a kid, listening to The Smiths actually cheers me up! LOL Ive changed a little bit these last years as had a few spanners thrown into the works by those youd least expect, nearly too much for a man to take.


Men need to talk, its that simple.


I hope you find a bit of peace about your friend, maybe one day youll be laughing at him larking about in an inflattable again :thumbs:

"Men need to talk, it's that simple" nail on head there pal :yes: it's a tragedy that so many men suffer in silence for so long that suicide becomes the only way out they can see :no:


Sorry to hear about your pal Walshie my thoughts go out to his family, hope they've got plenty of friends and family around them for support.

Edited by BGD
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It's funny that most lads that do it are the strong manly types and not the wimpy lads maybe the strong types are better at hiding there feelings because it's a sign of weakness and eventually the pressure just builds up. A lot of men could be living with a nagging psycho partner too that's real nice to people on the street and everyone loves them but a draining,tormenting bitch at home that makes them feel inadequate and they keep it to themselves. I know a good few candidates for that lol probably up in the 90% of women bracket.?

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It's a very hard thing to make sense of, to the vast majority of people it's un fathomable........but I still maintain that no matter how bad a place the victim thinks they are in it won't be half as bad as the place the people they leave behind will be in.

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Walshie I am really sorry for your loss can't be easy I sympathise with his family dreadful news.


I am a Rail Incident officer who deals with suicides as part of my job and most of the incidents I attend too are males very few women BTP keep sectioning them and mental health release them very quickly it's a bit of a vicious circle, the lead up to this time of year we get a lot and into the new year as well.


It seems a lot of people see it as an escape of the pressures of life quite sad really.

Edited by FLATTOP
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Walshie probably posted this because he was in shock as much as anything else......I'm guessing he almost certainly did not do it to start a debate.......however it's the nature of these things that they tend to go that way and you never know, anyone could be reading this who has or may contemplate suicide and it may make them think?


As has been said, for all the bravado sometimes spouted the fact is men very rearly have the bottle to talk about things when they are low.......and sometimes they just don't have the basic sense to see clearly what really matters above and beyond whatever may be troubling them.

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Sorry to hear about your loss walshie. A old friend of mine happy go lucky sort mad into lurchers/ferreting etc always out with the dogs. Started drinking a bit too much in my opinion out of the blue he was found hanged after being missing for a few days a stones throw from my house.

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My Son died 10yrs ago today , he'd of been 28 now , he took proper sick a yr previous and he never recovered , horrific loss for my family , had some really dark days & as people have said you need people round you who just by being there don't realise how much they help you , I've never told him this so if he reads this it will be a shock to him , but my mate Taffy of here was a real help to me , not with what he said but just calling & dragging me out with the dogs , I never even contemplated doin anything silly , we rallied round as a family & some great friends , the thought of dealing with that on your own doesn't bear thinking about , I at times hear about suicide & automatically think selfish but when you sit down & have a think there's an old saying "don't judge a man until you've walked in there shoes" or words to that effect , anyway appreciate your family not just now but all yr round as we never know what's round the corner , all the best to everyone .

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