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You Never Know What's Going On In People's Heads.

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My Son died 10yrs ago today , he'd of been 28 now , he took proper sick a yr previous and he never recovered , horrific loss for my family , had some really dark days & as people have said you nee

firstly anybody who has been affected by suicide, you have my absolute sympathy. i have been touched by this awful thing on several occasions, and you need to know that there can be all sorts of reaso

No need to apologies mush, we got to open up about theses things. I am the worlds worst for bottling it up, head down and struggle on tbh ive never known any different since a kid, listening to The Sm

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I live a good 3 hour drive from him and I keep thinking maybe he wanted to talk but didn't think i'd travel that far. Of course I would have. Would that have prevented it? Or just delayed it for a while?


Something we'll never know. I think it's not knowing that's the worst part.

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Take the example of somebody in a fit of rage that would do something stupid like get in a fight in a bar or work and lose their job or get arrested or jailed for hurting somebody when normally if they were thinking clearly this would never happen all because of a moment of complete tunnel vision when you forget about consequences. All though depression is the complete oppposite end of the spectrum and people are passive and avoid conflict when your mind is overloaded and clouded your judgement will be affected and also tunnel vision occurs without realising a way out.

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Lanesra, I have read all sorts of people chopsing off on here as if trying to tell everyone how tough they are.......but I can honestly say I can't even begin to imagine what sort of courage it takes to bare pain like that and come through the other side (and I've seen a few thing myself) .........you sir are a proper chap and IMHO the type of person anyone contemplating suicide should be having a long talk with.

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Lanesra, I have read all sorts of people chopsing off on here as if trying to tell everyone how tough they are.......but I can honestly say I can't even begin to imagine what sort of courage it takes to bare pain like that and come through the other side (and I've seen a few thing myself) .........you sir are a proper chap and IMHO the type of person anyone contemplating suicide should be having a long talk with.

Wilf I really appreciate your words , I'd say when your in a bad place you need to all rally round to help each other not just as a family but close friends really do help as well even if they don't realise it , I'm not sure how Id of coped with that alone , some people look great on the outside & seem to have it all , then you hear they've took there own life & those around them maybe feel they've let them down but if you don't know there struggling you can't help & as has been said us men think its weak at times to express how you feel & that I'd say is sadly a very common problem .
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Most piss artists and fraudsters don't give a fcuk who they hurt or let down or don't care who is owed money or if they ever pay their bills but there is a decent minority that take it too much to heart when they let someone down or fall behind. Only the good die young.

Edited by jiggy
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Meant every word mate, the way I see it yes people around you are a massive help but not withstanding that as a man you sometimes have a lot of people looking to you for strength and you have to have shoulders broad enough for everybody even through you may be wanting to curl up and die inside........for some men, they will face it all in order to make the lives of those they love better and try and heal their hurts.

To me, that's a man of courage buddy.

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Anyway guys, sorry for bringing the mood down in a week when we should be full of cheer.


It's not about him killing himself. It was just about how totally gobsmacked we are.


No need to apologies mush, we got to open up about theses things. I am the worlds worst for bottling it up, head down and struggle on tbh ive never known any different since a kid, listening to The Smiths actually cheers me up! LOL Ive changed a little bit these last years as had a few spanners thrown into the works by those youd least expect, nearly too much for a man to take.


Men need to talk, its that simple.


I hope you find a bit of peace about your friend, maybe one day youll be laughing at him larking about in an inflattable again :thumbs:


the likes for the smiths bit it cheers me :thumbs:

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firstly anybody who has been affected by suicide, you have my absolute sympathy. i have been touched by this awful thing on several occasions, and you need to know that there can be all sorts of reasons for a person to take their own life, depression is a blanket word that is used to cover just about every mental illness but it really doesnt mean a lot to say that somebody did it because they were depressed. one relative of mine was only 22, had a beautiful 3 year old son and had just moved into a new flat ended up hanging herself with the baby alone in the flat. my sister in law found her next morning when she didnt come to work. poor girl had basically been hinting for months that she was going to do it but we only really saw this when we looked back.


this may sound stupid, but if anyone on here wants to talk, it can be easier to talk to a stranger. call samaritans they are brilliant. or if you want send me a PM, i am good at listening

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Good on you be beast willing to take the time to talk to someone.

You could make all the difference in someones life. As you said sometimes its a lot easier to talk to a stranger than someone you know.

Atb j.

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