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You Never Know What's Going On In People's Heads.

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On the surface people can be one thing, but you never can tell what's simmering away under the surface.


I was on the phone to a friend only last week and we were talking about what we were doing for Xmas etc. He and his girlfriend were going away for New Year and he asked if it was ok if they both came here for a few days in March to celebrate our birthdays (14th and 15th.) Our other halves get on like a house on fire, so we were looking forward to it.


He's had a few health scares over the years and a couple of bad relationships, but now he has his life together and seemed genuinely happy.


His girlfriend just phoned to say he took himself off to the park yesterday and hanged himself.


Totally gobsmacked.

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Sorry to hear that Walshie, im sure if you had an inkling something was up youd of been there for him.


Its a great time of year for most but rough as hell for some, lend an ear and a smile.


Exactly mate. He'd had it all, lost it, got it back again and was properly settled. If he was a miserable b*****d I could understand.


I can't even contemplate feeling that low.

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A lassy i used to work with years ago made me the executioner of her will and never said then she got cancer for the second time and gassed herself in her car . the problems where horrendous but i only think i wasnt there to talk to her when she needed me

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My condolences on the loss of your freind walshie and to the family... I've known 5 so far to do the same in various ways.. not close freinds but known them well enough and never spotted it in any of them and its much harder on there loved ones this way also ...sad news.

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