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Lamping Without A Slip

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Decided to have a look round a new bit of perm last night with the dog, i have never been round before so had no idea what to expect, anyway got to the spot parked the van in the implement yard and headed off.


Ive been thinking about trying to see if could lamp the dog without a slip on and just at heal, So i thought theres no time like the present lets have a go. Mac is pretty steady and not an excitable sort who is happy to just walk at heal 99% of the time.


Got into the first feild and had a quiet word with him just to make sure he knows what i want, flicked the lamp on and there was a couple along the hedge and one maybe 50 yards off the hedge so i walked up on it slowley to get a bit closer then lit it up, it was sat upright and the dog had seen it but still waited till i gave the command, i gave a hiss to set him off, off he went straight down couple bends and first one in the bag.


Pretty pleased with how the first one went i carried on round and continued as we did with the first and he did me proud apart from one that must have been sitting tight and we walked right on top of it and he went without a command but to be honest im glad he did because i had not seen it and he caught so all is good. We ended with 6, 5 of those without the slip. I dont think its something i will do all the time but its good to know he's steady enough that i could do it.


How many of you lamp your dog without a slip on....?

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Decided to have a look round a new bit of perm last night with the dog, i have never been round before so had no idea what to expect, anyway got to the spot parked the van in the implement yard and headed off.


Ive been thinking about trying to see if could lamp the dog without a slip on and just at heal, So i thought theres no time like the present lets have a go. Mac is pretty steady and not an excitable sort who is happy to just walk at heal 99% of the time.


Got into the first feild and had a quiet word with him just to make sure he knows what i want, flicked the lamp on and there was a couple along the hedge and one maybe 50 yards off the hedge so i walked up on it slowley to get a bit closer then lit it up, it was sat upright and the dog had seen it but still waited till i gave the command, i gave a hiss to set him off, off he went straight down couple bends and first one in the bag.


Pretty pleased with how the first one went i carried on round and continued as we did with the first and he did me proud apart from one that must have been sitting tight and we walked right on top of it and he went without a command but to be honest im glad he did because i had not seen it and he caught so all is good. We ended with 6, 5 of those without the slip. I dont think its something i will do all the time but its good to know he's steady enough that i could do it.


How many of you lamp your dog without a slip on....?

Never used a slip, too much hassle. You can't beat a dog walking by your side and going when told. Or as happened with you one gets up and they are on it in a flash, no pulling waiting for you to release them.


Wait for the no prey drive posters to come along though, they will tell you you are doing it all wrong and your dog has not got any prey drive. :hmm::laugh:



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haha i think you would be more giddy than bonnie, she will be telling you to steady up.


I dont think i could if there was another dog there though. Theres always that competion between them.


Fancy leather slip! Whats wrong with the ones i make lol ive still got one for walker texas ranger.

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nice write up, good to hear that you can work your dog off the slip with ease,keep it up ,what cross is it,a lot of it is down to the breedin and training of the dogs your using, alot of the terrier xs can be head strong and hardwork at night .especially if you have hunted them alot in daytime,my self have always found collie and deerhoundxs to stay close and work well without the need for a slip but just my experience of the ones ive owned and seen,at present i run a deerhoundx,this dog will walk at your side and just keep afew feet ahead of you at night,and not take off till light is flicked on,and if he misses his prey is straight back to me no messing about,ready for the next run,this type of dog doesnt just happen over night takes alot of outings and patence but to me worki8ng adog like this is very rewarding,cant be doing with adog draging my arms out ,trying to lamp,and carry rabbits.but saying all this im the old school.atb

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Decided to have a look round a new bit of perm last night with the dog, i have never been round before so had no idea what to expect, anyway got to the spot parked the van in the implement yard and headed off.


Ive been thinking about trying to see if could lamp the dog without a slip on and just at heal, So i thought theres no time like the present lets have a go. Mac is pretty steady and not an excitable sort who is happy to just walk at heal 99% of the time.


Got into the first feild and had a quiet word with him just to make sure he knows what i want, flicked the lamp on and there was a couple along the hedge and one maybe 50 yards off the hedge so i walked up on it slowley to get a bit closer then lit it up, it was sat upright and the dog had seen it but still waited till i gave the command, i gave a hiss to set him off, off he went straight down couple bends and first one in the bag.


Pretty pleased with how the first one went i carried on round and continued as we did with the first and he did me proud apart from one that must have been sitting tight and we walked right on top of it and he went without a command but to be honest im glad he did because i had not seen it and he caught so all is good. We ended with 6, 5 of those without the slip. I dont think its something i will do all the time but its good to know he's steady enough that i could do it.


How many of you lamp your dog without a slip on....?

Never used a slip, too much hassle. You can't beat a dog walking by your side and going when told. Or as happened with you one gets up and they are on it in a flash, no pulling waiting for you to release them.


Wait for the no prey drive posters to come along though, they will tell you you are doing it all wrong and your dog has not got any prey drive. :hmm::laugh:



There probably right he is just a slack backed jacking cur, so ive beat them to it.

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nice write up, good to hear that you can work your dog off the slip with ease,keep it up ,what cross is it

He's just a pure gh x to a lurcher thats all i know, bit of this and a bit of that.


He's a really laid back sort of dog witch makes it easier. My young whippet is a different cut but in time we will get there.

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I start with the slip lead, give him some runs , and once he calmed down a bit lol, do few runs loose no lead and it as worked out not to bad. suppose it one way of knowing there deff looking down the beam, because when loose they try to hunt up etc, as on the lead there still being controlled really, even looking down the beam . ive had some great catches in the past when he been loose, Buck chased a rabbit to the edge , say he lost it in the edge , I ve picked out another rabbit in the field , and he come out the dark either from behind or side on , and picked the rabbit up brill. so it shows he running to where ever the spot light is , and not just running the beam , it great to see . :yes:

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i could lamp both my dogs off a slip no problem.........the dogs would be in the next county before i go over the fence......so i guess this doesnt count!


i have only seen one genuine dog worked off a slip. good mate of mine has a nice steady bitch that will skulk at his heels. If charlie is illuminated and called in she will sit like a statue no matter how close in he comes. Does the same whilst stalking deer will not begin to track until commanded no matter how close!


its a real pleasure to see and i have to say whilst my dog is pulling and straining and tangling up on the slip, i have had some terrible jealous thoughts as i glance up and see his dainty little bitch trotting steady with him.......b*****d!!



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