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How Does Spearfishing Sit With You All ?

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I snorkelled often with the badjao on pristine riefs,i used to snorkel around their seaweed farms,incredible places,it was like swimming in a huge tropical aquarium,the colours were dazzling,nemo was everywhere,they spearfish for food,used homemade spearguns,i put loads of pics up before.

i hear you mack , i know 50 yr olde men that would take you to inshore reefs to spear lobster and snapper for food when times were hard , these would be reefs that there grandad would have showd them years back , its a food reef but farmed so as not to decimate it , i know you get me drift , theres farming eco and theres decimating top end predators , for trophy in the guise of food , not for me id sooner whelt them priks with an anchor lol , but thats me , last dive i done i had empourere fish jacks grouper and manta rays inches from me , couldnt pull a trigger on them no way

Edited by green lurchers
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Yes,i did see the other side as well,ghost reefs,either from carbide bombs,cyanide (which is very easy to buy) and pa-aling fishing which smashes a reef to a pulp and removes all but the tiniest fish,it looks like an underwater atomic bomb has hit a reef.

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Yes,i did see the other side as well,ghost reefs,either from carbide bombs,cyanide (which is very easy to buy) and pa-aling fishing which smashes a reef to a pulp and removes all but the tiniest fish,it looks like an underwater atomic bomb has hit a reef.

many of the reefs i looked at over the years were getting bleach , from outsider, lobster fisherman , a quick spray of bleach into a lobsre hole see him jump out , but would kill the reef off very quick pretty sad really but very real / i have no urge to get back to the carribean , tampa bay and the west coast of florida will do me till im done , they are so eco friendly and tnh the volume of fish and species is incred ible , they look after what they have got as much as possible well for now anyways will add trump was the only politician to state he would help the enviroment in florida pre election

Edited by green lurchers
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Yup,cyanide fishing is just as bad,very very easy to buy cyanide cheaply,they puff it over sections of coral and see what comes out,i have been to an aquarium exporters in cebu,massive amounts of shells and coral stockpiled and he sent huge amounts of fish abroad,very lucrative living,85% of the aquarium fish stateside are purported to come from the philippines and indonesian reefs,these live fish are all caught with cyanide.

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Spear fishing for me holds no appeal whatsoever.....however Id love to hunt a boar with a spear so for that reason I say let men crack on with wat they see fit I'll worry about how I hunt thy worry about there way

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This is difficult,these are the people i stayed with years ago,a place called sitangkai,the high street floods every day with the incoming tide,they used to say that the badjao come ashore once in their lifetime and thats when they die,the kids swim before they can walk,their entire income used to be from the sea,nowadays they smuggle goods and people,and some beg in the harbours of cities like cebu diving for coins thrown from passanger boats.


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This is difficult,these are the people i stayed with years ago,a place called sitangkai,the high street floods every day with the incoming tide,they used to say that the badjao come ashore once in their lifetime and thats when they die,the kids swim before they can walk,their entire income used to be from the sea,nowadays they smuggle goods and people,and some beg in the harbours of cities like cebu diving for coins thrown from passanger boats.


that mack is life , they the same as the 50yr old spear lads i met over the years , they harvest not decimate , im no judge n jury but have the opinion that going over board for a bit of supper when sailing or moochin round some of theses manificent reefs is ok , raping the ocean of apex predators or mature breeding females is not my cup of tea , you and i know how fragile a reef eco system is , pot shoting dum grouper or magnificent amberjack when swimming in there enviroment aint no big feat and is palmed off as for food , , i know of plenty reefs where the locals have shown folk the beauty of a reef only for the folk to return and wreak havoc , , they wised up to dicks banging grouper and big jacks with the gun , they gaurd them reefs from the spearos and wont get fooled again

Edited by green lurchers
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Although i'm certainly not any authority on marine biology , I think you're a mile off if you think spear fishing impacts on fish stocks, you could make plenty of comparisons to the hunting world , but then you'd sound like an anti. Every man to his sport

joe im aware its an imotive subject ive tried to explain about reefs ive dived over many years only to get speared into submission i know im not a mile off , a trophy spearfisherman wants to kill bigger and bigger , a catch n release fisherman wants the same in bigger fish but returns his catch , a spearfisherman totaling a small reef of edibles aint pretty after well the reef is but the fish are missing , and joe i agree every man to his sport ,, just so you know i roll round the anti bit if bumped into a man who speared top flight breeders he be wearing his airtank yeah im anti cnts

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Well if you've seen it first hand I guess you're more qualified, but I still think if you're that passionate the enemy would be pollution, over fishing , trawlers, etc rather than a guy with a spear gun. Atb Joe

the enemy to all fish in the carribean bahamas and florida is the lion fish mackem probably knows them better as they from asia , the lions hve no predadors they live on the reef and chomp thru many juvenile fish of all types , , if the spearos felt the time had come to help the system they would turn there att to the lions prob is they dont grow big , , so of no value to them , i have seen the tide turn on a few islands where they wont let outsiders spear , the money they gain from taking divvies like me out to catch and let them go far outways the few beers and bottles of rum to take the spearos out , i hope this trend catches on but i know its a loosing battle

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