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dogs eye

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Hi Trapper,go to your local chemist and get a small tube of 'Golden Eye Ointment' and use that in the eye,it will soothe it and even help to cure a scratch if there is one,and,it won't do the dog any harm at all mate...........................................................that's £35.00 + vat consultation fee you've just saved....and,the ointment would be 4-5 times the chemist price too......................martin. :thumbs:

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Get a small torch and try and position it above the eye, if a thorn or FB is in the eye, it should be noticeable..my own dogs get thorns broken off in their eyes on a scarily regular basis. If something has jagged the eye, an ulcer can form on the cornea, these can be pretty painful and will result in an eye that is half shut and usually with a coloured dishcarge. Bathing the eye with a used teabag can help take some of the inflammation out. Fucithalmic is the best for eyes. You can only use the likes of Maxitrol for true conjuctivitis.

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Get it looked at asap mate,my young terrier bitch had the same thing,i just thought it was some sand or mud that was irritating her eye.Next day her lens was milky,so i took her to the vets,it was an ulcerated cornea.They removed a thorn from the eyeball,and she was back and forth to the vets for 3 weeks having iodine washe's,and drops 4 times a day.The infection is now gone,but sadly she will have a permanent impairment,and as such it would be unfair to expect her to do any serious work.This young bitch was just starting out,and coming on well,now thats finished and she'll be no more than a ratting dog. :( Not sure how long the thorn was in the eye,but from the first sign of irritation,to getting her to the vets was no more than 24 hours,and her eye was still damaged.

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Chloramphenical eye drops have a broad spectrum of activity in bacterial infections and are recently made available without prescription from a pharmacist but as prevoius posts beware that there isn't more than a little conjuntivitis going on.

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How's the dog Trapper?...It may have been an insect bite on the lid. Got some kind of bite myself today on the eyelid, came out of a hedge with cobwebs hanging in front of my eyes and now the lid is tender red and painful :cry:

dogs great mate , bathed it with optrex and hes fine! must have been a small foriegn body or summit thanks for asking :thumbs:

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