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Christmas Foxes

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Antis me bollocks,lot people spend there life worrying about the pricks,, life short enough, you do great job Truck, fox hunting is legal over here so keep posting videos and don't mind the lads with the jealous disease,some of the pricks should join up with the antis.......

From his posts it becomes evident that Trunk owns mutts that a vulpine may wish to steer clear of,or pay the consequence.I could still work that out if Trunk was a tad less graphic with his posts and it comes across to me that he wants his ego stroked and thats his main reason for posting.The lad owns the dogs that do the graft and i applaud him for his commitment and endeavour,there should be more like him.Any post on here is easily basterdised to suit the Anti,s purpose and thats what we need to be careful of and sanitise our input,not because we don,t respect the Trunk and his jukels because i do and so do many others,its just not necessary and thats the saddest indictment of the times we live in now.

Edited by morton
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Few hours last night will be the last time il be out before xmas wasnt a bad night two slips two kills merry xmas lads video of the foxes are on the link video https://youtu.be/RKxuDv64SN0

wasnt planeed to go outtill after xmas but friends bent my arm back to go out

cause am alonely old man with nothing better to do than to post it on a hunting site an its the only type of stroking i get . i get ask to share my hunting day/nights out as for my ego what have

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should change the title to xmas week foxes

yer hammering them rightly trunk, are yas getting many out doing the cover?
av been out once mate all on the lamp 6 this week not bad for this time of year toying with putting a vid up showing killing a fox on youtube but on the fence
get it done... Legal in your country.

One lad over your way posted a cracking collie grey wheaton grey up before.

And about a week later I saw exact same x killing over here, very quick death. Lol

Stupid idea. It was once legal other here but that soon changed. Why give the authorities more ammunition to eventually get a ban? Some people can't hold their water.
if i go on to youtube type in fox an lurcher the stuff that shouldnt be on it is bad the ones i have is nothing compared to them but yes i agree as long as its short an not a blood bath for example type in jack kills fox
The cretin that posted that doesnt deserve the title hunter and Id like to think that the majority of lads wouldnt let that happen but I wouldnt bet money on it ffs.

Just seen the video jack kills fox... what a waste of oxygen this guy is and also his big docile dog.. the dog caught... fair enough but he should have stepped in and made it humane... really boils my piss anything like that

Cheers, D.

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So due to me posting pictures of legal fox control . I am looking my ego stroked so that would mean anybody that post a pictures of legal rabbit control looking there ego stroked . It comes down to this if there was a problem they would be removed because the hunting like admins are very good at removeing post if its wrong . av been on here 10 years near av always posted pictures and i will always post pictures while its legal and if you dont like it tuff f##king shit its as simple as that dont comment on it then. I hunt for an ego thats all am doing if that helps you sleep at night only reason i hunt is so i get a pat on the head from people i dont no or will ever see bar a few . If other posted pictures of foxes instead of hiding it wouldnt look like am the only one posting an if you dont post pictures an write a post wtf is the point of this site . go boil your head . So what your also saying is lads that shoot foxes should piut pictures up with a gun and fox

Edited by the trunk
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Keep her lit trunk, its a hunting site, an your not bragging or nothing, so by some peoples logic if you post a pic with your catch, be that rat rab or fox, were stroking our ego, ffs.


Get a grip lads, about time we stood up for hunting, an go head first at antis, an not be afraid, stick together an fight the b*****ds.

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