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Christmas Foxes

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Trunk the pictures are grand. It's when you advertise other shite on utube just so you feel ok about posting yours. A bit of cop on would go a long way. But it's ok as long your getting your pat on the back. We all get tarred with the same brush in this game and you if you can't see that fair enough.

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Few hours last night will be the last time il be out before xmas wasnt a bad night two slips two kills merry xmas lads video of the foxes are on the link video https://youtu.be/RKxuDv64SN0

wasnt planeed to go outtill after xmas but friends bent my arm back to go out

cause am alonely old man with nothing better to do than to post it on a hunting site an its the only type of stroking i get . i get ask to share my hunting day/nights out as for my ego what have

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i post the course an was making a point if you dont like that take it up with the admin .my point was type in an the shite on it comes up il not hide from what i do i just make it respectable an leave the run up got fa to do with ego an tarred with hunting legally crawl back under your rock . everytging i put up is watch by rmthe admin closely . I have removed the refrence about that jack fox an think i see were you coming from think i was pointing that out to make my do look better an thats not what i was meaning to do but if thats what you getting at i would agree with you how it cane across

Edited by the trunk
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Under a rock is where I like to be. Unlike you my friend who likes nothing more than to take a camera hunting with him so he can post his pictures on the www. And you don't want your ego stroked yea right..lol. If a few numptys want to see pictures are a video of your dog working can you not do it privately. But it's all legal bla bla bla I'm not ashamed bla bla bla but if you can't see that it just adds fuel to the anti fire in ni then so be it. Over an out..

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Well I got to say lads Im enjoying the pic and vids very much its what were all about, after all I thought that is what this site is all about for pics, vids and stories. If he wants to put his days and nights out on here we should all be grateful that there is someone who can be bothered to go through all the effort. I don't mean to offend anyone but that's the way I feel. :victory:

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One day its an argument over a pic of a hare now somebody ain't happy with perfectly legal pictures,. Ah jaysus. Let's all sit back. Say nothing about hunting. Let's take no pictures. No pics for www. None for books. Let's all do what were told of the antis.donate your cameras to charity.PS trunk fair play to you and anybody else posting legal pictures. A lot of people on here with made up usernames that have never posted.maybe they don't even keep dogs.makes ya think

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By the way trunk I'm probably coming across as a dick. I have great respect for any man getting there dogs the work you do just think it doesn't need to be advertised. It's all i will say on the matter. Happy Christmas fella.

I no what you mean 100% . I like to have vids for my self an share the odd one which i shouldnt . as long as i dont show the kill end on vids i dont mind posting them but some agree some dont but thats my choice alot lads dont take pic an thats there choice . but defo not intreated in an ego i can ensure you of that merry xmas hope you have a good one mate
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Under a rock is where I like to be. Unlike you my friend who likes nothing more than to take a camera hunting with him so he can post his pictures on the www. And you don't want your ego stroked yea right..lol. If a few numptys want to see pictures are a video of your dog working can you not do it privately. But it's all legal bla bla bla I'm not ashamed bla bla bla but if you can't see that it just adds fuel to the anti fire in ni then so be it. Over an out..

antis cant do anything here.ffs

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Antis this antis that for f**k sake half ye lot on here think more of them then they do ye.theres more images and videos on the net already from all diffrent countries that they can and do use against us.what truk has posted is completly leagal in ireland why should he hide it when he is doing noting wrong keep on posting pal take no notice of the crabbers on here.

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Antis this antis that for f**k sake half ye lot on here think more of them then they do ye.theres more images and videos on the net already from all diffrent countries that they can and do use against us.what truk has posted is completly leagal in ireland why should he hide it when he is doing noting wrong keep on posting pal take no notice of the crabbers on here.

couodnt agree more mate no point worrying about antis all the time the damage is done it's legal in his country so feck em keep posting mate and the videos I enjoy them anyway no point worrying about something illegal in another country if it legal in yours lol
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Antis me bollocks,lot people spend there life worrying about the pricks,, life short enough, you do great job Truck, fox hunting is legal over here so keep posting videos and don't mind the lads with the jealous disease,some of the pricks should join up with the antis.......

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