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Another Rescue For The Fell And Moorland Wtc

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Just as i sat down to have my Sunday dinner the phone rang it was another distressed pet owner asking if the club could help them with there missing terrier that was last seen running to ground yeste

It might be worth putting it to The Countrymans Weekly as an article because a lot of the pet keepers would read it and it might help to get the message across about the RSPCA and help to put working

Anyways if there was any media coverage to be done the RSPCA would have their toe firmly planted in the door. The FMWTC has stood the test of time and proven that it's needed and IMO with the likes o

It would be a big plus if it gets reported in the local and national newspaper and facebook with the report about the RSPCA not interested in saving a dogs life, but then again they kill thousands of healthy dogs every week. I hope the facebook report gets loads of shares and shows the RSPCA charity for what it is.

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It might be worth putting it to The Countrymans Weekly as an article because a lot of the pet keepers would read it and it might help to get the message across about the RSPCA and help to put working terriermen in a good light.

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  On 19/12/2016 at 10:35, foxdropper said:

You were lucky being able to tunnel 10/15 feet in running sand .We have it here and you'd be pushed to get 4 foot underneath it .Well done on your rescue though .



Im shocked it held up as well pal but luckily above us was full of rhododendron bushes so above where we was tunnelling was a maze of roots that was holding everything up.but we was very lucky not to have a collapse if we did it would have been game over for man and dog

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