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Stop end. You are more than welcome to any pup or breeding that I have access too now and in the future! Should you want it.   All that we ask down this way is to rear them right, work them right an

This thread is testament to why more and more lads are going it alone and working away under the radar minding there own business. It has shown that you may not know each personally but seem to know a

ro284, The Cork white line is a strain of Working Russell, hard to describe the type. Everything from strong Bull/russell smooths to Small wire haired terriers. Not a breed more a strain of workers.

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Is the reason you're not into black terriers because the lads you wanted to buy pups off last year wouldn't sell them to you ?

Have those tight shorts made you a bit argumentative mate ,doesn't suit you .



Stop end. You are more than welcome to any pup or breeding that I have access too now and in the future! Should you want it.


All that we ask down this way is to rear them right, work them right and don't "ever" sell them . All of which you fully understand!


As like anyone else I move in various circles......some of these circles remain the same, some overlap and some change over the years, but one thing is constant - the working white dogs.


Of course the Cork standards may not be up to the dizzy heights of others, but they do plenty of us just fine down this way and some up your way too!


So I wouldn't be too bothered about buying black dogs.


I would think that many a man has bought or tried to buy a dog. No shame in that. One of the best I ever had I bought for £50 old Irish pounds and it was the best money I ever spent. But unfortunately there is plenty of sh*te out there too with a hefty price tag on them? Some beggars belief.


AND You are correct. The so called Patterdale Terrier (Black smooth coated bully head - Nuttal Type) has not that long a history. Nothing wrong with that! Many of them work and work well. Everyone including Nuttal got his dogs from someone else and made them their own as are many of the men today. Of course all Fell type dogs can be traced back to the Lake District and probably the Wolf. The past is nice to know, but the hear and now in my lifetime is what I am only interested in as these are the dogs "we" all work today and strive at a minimum to keep up to the standards of our predecessors.


So Happy Christmas to all and Happy Hunting ;)



Rightly So....Stop.end is a good terrier man, looks after his dogs and works them as they should be - No nonsense with him.


He is a straight up and genuine lad who would give you the shirt off his back and would help anyone he could - There aren't many like him.

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On 22/12/2016 at 20:10, p3d said:

Here is an image of one of Mr Nuttal's Patterdale terriers "Judy" from 1975.


attachicon.gif_30_Judy 02.jpg


This is her pedigree.


attachicon.gif_31_Judy's pedigree.jpg


Its just clear enough to make out Breays dogs, a few Borders, and .......


Save the image and zoom in on your computer. Maybe some of the lads who work black dogs can add other pedigrees from that era and shed light on the breeding of these great little dogs.

these are her parents


Edited by Glyn.....
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