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Stop end. You are more than welcome to any pup or breeding that I have access too now and in the future! Should you want it.   All that we ask down this way is to rear them right, work them right an

This thread is testament to why more and more lads are going it alone and working away under the radar minding there own business. It has shown that you may not know each personally but seem to know a

ro284, The Cork white line is a strain of Working Russell, hard to describe the type. Everything from strong Bull/russell smooths to Small wire haired terriers. Not a breed more a strain of workers.

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You are such a plonker, given enough rope you always hang yourself.

You cannot tell the truth to save your life, I was going to leave this alone but screw it,

lets put the record straight.

I will take apart your answer one piece at a time. Your comments in Blue


I know that that last paragraph was aimed at me.


You and the guys attacking Stopend, always the same few attacking him personally.


First off, Stopend has no interest in the preservation of any type of working terrier.

I said preserving working terriers in Ireland (terrierwork), read the posts carefully.

He was a devoted Jack Russell swapper 2 years ago, last year he was asking lads to sell him black pups and now he has so called Cork white terriers that he got off a man who's terriers are well known for coming away,

He has had Cork white terriers for the last 4/5 years, one very successful bitch which he has dug a lot of game with.

He has started other pups and one in particular has gone over to Scotland recently. The lads there have dug that bitch.

Early days but they are happy with her so far. So again your time scale is distorted.

This distortion does not seem to bother you, as long as you can attack him with some snippet of gossip you continue to come on THL and do so.

It is getting tiring and everyone reading your posts can see you for what you are ....a keyboard bully.

BUT, they must be breeding true to form because one came away after 40 minutes for him recently and refused to go back.

You no nothing of the yards where these Cork White terriers come from. In fact you no nothing about the Cork white line at all.

Some of the best terriermen in Cork came last year to these yards for breeding off a stud dog.

Not sure what 40 minute dog you are talking about, but whats new there. You just hear a rumour that a dog failed and a mans yard is crap.

There are failures in very litter, some dogs don't make it, thats the game we are in.

The first ever words I had with Stopend was when I asked him to take down pics of a lurcher drawing. Now he thinks he's the patron saint of terrierwork.

That could be true, we all put up photo's in the past that we would not put up today.

​Times change and we learn as we go. But to keep bringing up a mistake from years ago.....get over it.

Stopend is no saint, neither am I ...neither are you.


If he loved terrierwork he (and yous) would have stepped aside because we all knew that most terriermen in N.I. wouldn't join as long as he was involved. You's all knew this at the time.

​A lot of very well respected terriermen in Northern Ireland joined the federation at the beginning and stayed when times got tough politically for terrierwork.

They are still members.

You had a dislike for Stopend from the time ye first met, he thought you were a bully from your dealings on THL. (that turned out to be true)

I did not know you at the time as you did not know me.

I learned fast that while you are an intelligent man, you are easily led.

If you don't get your own way you can be disruptive.

You took some early members with you when you left. Some of them listened to your opinions, there choice.

​They were a loss, you were not.


You, yourself can only contribute to any terrier conversation if it's something you got out of a book. There's something very Plummerish about you, but that to be expected from someone who got into terriers yesterday in his 50s.

I contribute to these threads usually about the history of terriers as I have an interest in the breeding methods, the lines and the men you started it all.

I was not around 70/80 years ago so history is history, photographs and books are all we have. Tend not to trust stories too much, found they have been unreliable when it comes to dogs,

I got into terriers when I was 17, dug with some very good men in Cork, that was over 40 years ago. Moved away in my 20's and did not hunt again until 7 years ago.

I am talking about digging now (not getting a terrier from my grandad when I was 4.)

So I have been digging for 15 years, I am 57 now. Not yesterday but sometimes it feels like it, time flys!

15 years, 30 years, how many years digging do you have to have under your belt before you can come on THL and have an opinion.

I don't go along with the notion that because you have been into terriers for a long time than you must be good.

A lot of young lads I meet are great terriermen, a small few older men are pure plonkers.

As for terrierwork in it's hour of need.

You know for a fact that I had 5 meetings with the Junior Minister of Agriculture ,Shane McEntee (RIP) who office was in my village and that got us a meeting with the Ministry of Agriculture who explained to us that terrierwork was 100% SAFE with the up coming Animal Health and Welfare Bill.

This was before the IWTF was up and running so you's part time terrier men who we left behind CANNOT give yourselves any pats on the back for saving terrierwork at all.

Wrong again, Shane McEntee did not get use a meeting with the Minister, remember I was there.

We did not meet the minister, we had lunch with Shane McEntee.

He was a great man and did his best to get us in the door to the department, but the meeting with Minister Coveney was arranged through different sources.

Minister Coveney had stated that terrierwork was not acceptable (Public record).

Some people were spreading the message that terrieremn standing up for themselves would get terrierwork banned.

Up to that statement from Minister Coveney, there were two organisations that were SUPPOSED to be defending terrierwork.

We believed at the time (we are cynical that way) and found out later as fact that these organisations

were willing to throw terrierwork "under the bus" to protect themselves.


So don't try and say anyone desserted the IWTF because along with myself some of the most respected terriermen from your county WALKED away from you and your dangerous sort, we didn't walk away from terrierwork.

I wont even go in to detail as to how you and your control freak mate nearly got terrierwork banned when you were asked not to contact certain people but you thought you knew it all. Terrierwork was within a hairs breath of being banned because of yous.


It went like this if terriermen fought their own cause and terrierwork got banned.....

then those terriermen standing up for themselves (I.W.T.F) would get 100% of the blame.


​If it went well and terrierwork was left alone....these organisations (and the terriermen who hid behind them) would take half the credit.


Of course it was a no brainer for you, you cut and ran.


So, make all the snide remarks you want and I'll reply and I can even have disscussions on actual terierwork, can you, and anything I've mentioned can be proven by lads who reputations are much, much better than your's ,Corkman or Stopends in the working terrier world.

You are big on reputations, big on ego, the terrier game is full of good men, men you do not know.

Men who definitely do not want to know you.


You have destroyed another thread with your personal attacks against one man.

You would drag anything good into the gutter with you and I know I will be sorry for answering your post.

But you cannot be allowed to keep getting away with this crap.

You are poison to the terrier game.

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Aint nothing Rob but a public forum isnt the best place to drag anything personal .Ireland isnt that big so meet up and sort it man to man .Can all this shit be deleted so we can talk terriers not messers .

delete nothing fd plenty of other treads you can post your garbage on
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Aint nothing Rob but a public forum isnt the best place to drag anything personal .Ireland isnt that big so meet up and sort it man to man .Can all this shit be deleted so we can talk terriers not messers .

delete nothing fd plenty of other treads you can post your garbage on


Garbage you love reading ,admit you cant get enough .

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Aint nothing Rob but a public forum isnt the best place to drag anything personal .Ireland isnt that big so meet up and sort it man to man .Can all this shit be deleted so we can talk terriers not messers .

be a shame to delete the off topic posts FD as there has been some good ones especially from P3D maybe the mods could split the thread into two ?
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Some good points been made here some lads some lads don't p3d good posts on truing ta get the history of the terriers but I think you will hit a bricky wall when it comes ta some lines ha some lads don't want it getting that some of there famous black dogs are throwing reds and black and tans haha

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You fancy commenting on my last post Stopend? You've read it and you know it was you that was the representative that night. I never did tell them lads that you back stabbed them after the meeting but they'll read it on here anyway. That should be enough fact to keep you simmering over. Edited to add as for bloodlines given to start men out x amount of years ago that's another story. Pity you weren't gifted the same maybe you wouldn't be so bitter. Any of that I've seen and have some blood in my yard isn't lacking in anyway.

I genuinely never seen your post until I have read it there just now. By the way I haven't a clue who you are so I don't know what you heard me say about whoever if were giving it truthfully here...it was 2012 I personally only knew 4 people at that meet that's the folk I travelled down with the rest id only ever spoke to on fone or internet, I had at that time definitely never dug with any of them or yourself im quite sure or even really talked lines with? But it will be easy for you to know me because I presented myself forward and sat at a table and persevered with some other good men who know one ever knew only we stepped forward for something that most of us love and we were getting treated like idiots with the right to work terriers sweeped from under our feet as we all argue? If it wasn't for that you or Neil or anyone else wouldn't know me from adam . as for being bitter about black lines... you had me puzzled to fatman piped up and re jogged my memory... lol a man before I went away to work had a few good black dogs... when I came back he was still digging the same old dogs with no new blood..he didn't know anyone.. he heard about A.C. asked me could I make contact with him for him to try buy a pup... I said ill try... so I PMd him about 4 years ago, and he said he had no pups for sale...if he has the PM saved tell him to post I explained all to him in a PM... wasn't me looking a pup... and ive nowt to hide lol...and I don't even work dogs with that certain man anymore.

Now if we could get back to terriers.... glyn I meant you wrote what you were told and that's all anyone asks...

I do dig over blacks very regularly and there great wee dogs know there job and do it well... Ive also seen some great whites and there also great dogs what see the job through... and me myself personally have a preference for blacks/ chocs or any coloured terrier... but I prefer to see a white dog working it means the pool is still there lets be honest a lot of men work the blacks because in the most part that's the most popular consistent type out there doing it at the minute. rant over... its Christmas and out in the mornin

Stopend i dont know what your like at backfilling but by god your a good man to backpeddle,you asked for that pup,pups for yourself so why deny it,whats the big deal.
lol if he is backfi lling is as good as you at arse licking he be alright

That the best you can do.
u and Cooney are nothing more than keyboard warriors ye think ye can say what ye like about lads on here. I dont think there is a post on here that ye havnt posted on ye try to bully anyone that answers ye.ifor one dont give two fucks for ye


I dont say f**k all about lads on here unless there talking shite,like yourself youve not been in terriers a wet f***ing week so go f**k yourself.

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You fancy commenting on my last post Stopend? You've read it and you know it was you that was the representative that night. I never did tell them lads that you back stabbed them after the meeting but they'll read it on here anyway. That should be enough fact to keep you simmering over. Edited to add as for bloodlines given to start men out x amount of years ago that's another story. Pity you weren't gifted the same maybe you wouldn't be so bitter. Any of that I've seen and have some blood in my yard isn't lacking in anyway.

I genuinely never seen your post until I have read it there just now. By the way I haven't a clue who you are so I don't know what you heard me say about whoever if were giving it truthfully here...it was 2012 I personally only knew 4 people at that meet that's the folk I travelled down with the rest id only ever spoke to on fone or internet, I had at that time definitely never dug with any of them or yourself im quite sure or even really talked lines with? But it will be easy for you to know me because I presented myself forward and sat at a table and persevered with some other good men who know one ever knew only we stepped forward for something that most of us love and we were getting treated like idiots with the right to work terriers sweeped from under our feet as we all argue? If it wasn't for that you or Neil or anyone else wouldn't know me from adam . as for being bitter about black lines... you had me puzzled to fatman piped up and re jogged my memory... lol a man before I went away to work had a few good black dogs... when I came back he was still digging the same old dogs with no new blood..he didn't know anyone.. he heard about A.C. asked me could I make contact with him for him to try buy a pup... I said ill try... so I PMd him about 4 years ago, and he said he had no pups for sale...if he has the PM saved tell him to post I explained all to him in a PM... wasn't me looking a pup... and ive nowt to hide lol...and I don't even work dogs with that certain man anymore.

Now if we could get back to terriers.... glyn I meant you wrote what you were told and that's all anyone asks...

I do dig over blacks very regularly and there great wee dogs know there job and do it well... Ive also seen some great whites and there also great dogs what see the job through... and me myself personally have a preference for blacks/ chocs or any coloured terrier... but I prefer to see a white dog working it means the pool is still there lets be honest a lot of men work the blacks because in the most part that's the most popular consistent type out there doing it at the minute. rant over... its Christmas and out in the mornin

Stopend i dont know what your like at backfilling but by god your a good man to backpeddle,you asked for that pup,pups for yourself so why deny it,whats the big deal.
lol if he is backfi lling is as good as you at arse licking he be alright

That the best you can do.
u and Cooney are nothing more than keyboard warriors ye think ye can say what ye like about lads on here. I dont think there is a post on here that ye havnt posted on ye try to bully anyone that answers ye.ifor one dont give two fucks for ye

I dont say f**k all about lads on here unless there talking shite,like yourself youve not been in terriers a wet f***ing week so go f**k yourself.
ud know all about shite with arse licking you do
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