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Stop end. You are more than welcome to any pup or breeding that I have access too now and in the future! Should you want it.   All that we ask down this way is to rear them right, work them right an

This thread is testament to why more and more lads are going it alone and working away under the radar minding there own business. It has shown that you may not know each personally but seem to know a

ro284, The Cork white line is a strain of Working Russell, hard to describe the type. Everything from strong Bull/russell smooths to Small wire haired terriers. Not a breed more a strain of workers.

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  On 21/12/2016 at 17:29, foxdropper said:

Was up at Shap visiting sister in law on way to Scotland so no real out the way lol.

The locals must be quiet proud of their association with the terrier however because my parents also brought me back a tea towel with three terriers on it and in big letters THE PATTERDALE TERRIER , tough , courage etc. etc.

Nice to see.

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  On 21/12/2016 at 19:07, Treehands. said:

Unfortunately niel , locals aren't locol due to rich southern twats with holiday homes..

sometimes you can struggle to find a farm in some areas. They're bought out by the wealthy and they're often very rude, unfortunately they own a lot of the land too.
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Block of flats down in Camden called patterdale all the blocks are named above places in the lakes drive past them every day seen a young lady with a black terrier getting her photo done by the sign nice looking dog but will not see any work starting to get popular as pets among the hipsters place is flooded with borders as well

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  On 21/12/2016 at 21:59, Apache... said:

Personally I would like to think the main originator of the smooth black dog was Cyril Breay (or am I romanticising) he must have brought in a black dog into his line from somewhere??? I think if there was a strain of black terrier worked before Breays dogs Captain Jocylen Lucas would have documented it in one of his books but there isnt. It is the border, fox terrier and russel that are the main dogs being worked with the odd lakeland being mentioned, not once have I read a black dog being used for earthwork and he spoke about hunting terriers all over the world. So maybe Cyril Breay and his friend Frank Buck did produce the strain of black dog. On another note, I was digging in Macynlleth mid wales in the early nineties, this old farmer was in his late 80s and he commented (me and a few friends hunted fox and badger with terriers like that when I was a lad) I had two black dogs on couplings....

id say plenty of lads in the north would have been producing blacks from a bit of added bull. Breay probably stood out more for producing the better workers.
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Off the original topic but in line with recent replies...the Patterdale Terrier. Is it the correct name ? It's looking like it is. The Bedlington Terrier ? Was it a dog that did not exist anywhere else other than in a tiny pit village until the name was written ? The Dandie Dinmont. Did they exist before Sir Walter Scott wrote a book ? The Sealyham . Did that type exist before a landed gentleman retired to his estate and indulged his passion ? I would say yes. These names became given to working terriers only when a name was a necessity , to register with the Kennel Club. Then they became a " breed ". And had a value to people who had no desire to hunt with them.


We are witnessing history. I have witnessed it with Jack Russells. One of the first breeds to be registered was the Fox Terrier. The KC dogs were quickly developed into something very different to the original dog but no one had the bottle to admit it within the KC. The working fox terrier, Russell types, lived on. But were not bred to a written standard. Height, weight, coat, length of nose to occiput ? They were bred for work. And existed as an " unofficial " breed until quite recently. Then the daft c##ts registered them again ! The real ones still exist.


So back to the Patterdale. To the people who love them and keep them correct what does it matter what they are called at this moment in time. We all know more or less what expect to see in a Patterdale, but in the future ? Imagine, if it's not registered with the KC it aint a Patterdale sir no matter how long you have known/kept them. Or when that happens maybe the type will live on but the name will change ? I think it will. What's in a name ?

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  On 20/12/2016 at 19:05, neil cooney said:


  On 19/12/2016 at 21:19, stop.end said:

The black dog or patterdale as we know it today has a history no longer than 40 years if we are going to be realsistic... money was never parted in NI in the correct circles, respect out weighs that a million times!

when bred right from the start and reared and worked right there good.

If the fellas who then get them pups gifted through respect then they rear them right and work them right then folk they know whos worthy get stuff free too and the circle turns...

But sadly the coin can dents many a man...so some times the dents in the circle needs to be hammered out!

Im very confident that there is enough good men with the proper mindset with the right good stuff to keep the wheels turning....

But to think there is no white terriers or there doing there trade correctly with a LOT more history behind them is a complete wind up. lol

Do you personally know any competent terriermen who keep and work Jack Russells ? I mean personally.

Genuine question.

Also, another question, IF money was NEVER parted in NI in the correct circles and the fact that you've bought and sold loads of terriers does that mean you've never traveled in those circles ?

Fair play for admitting that. Perhaps some day those circles will let you in.


Lol... the village idiot got his xmas dole I see and went straight to the off licence....

Do I know many competent terrier men who work white terriers No...pure jack russells definitely not ...

but I know the right people personally I need to know who work whites that suits me?

..have I bred any of these litters myself...No...pure jack Russell? definitely not

Also again I Have bought terriers in my youth 25 years ago, im not going to lie I chased the dream too buying to names , and if when bought it wasn't what was said on the tin I either got the money back or did the correct thing... but I haven't bought a terrier in at least 10 years and the one I did turned out the owner who was selling it was a bit like yourself if im honest..... a dreamer.

So I got the dog entered and had 3 digs over him and was going away for work again for a while he asked could he buy him back and to be fair I said yes for the same money I PAID him... he said yes... got 2 more digs out of him and dog spewed?

Now as far as the circle I turn in NOW...its the size of an English 5p.

So I really do doubt you have met or know anybody who knows me personally or speaks to me regularly in the last 5 years

.just like I don't know anyone who knows you personally ..but no doubt you will make something up.

But I will give you a tit bit, after all its xmas..I was digging last sunday with a man who ive broke soil with many a times with,

who showed the man you hold in NI with very very high regard, showd your man his first black dogs working lol..

So back to honesty...anyone I did think was a sensible terrier man after 1999 when I went away to work..... when I came back in 06 I soon found out they were lads that dug because it was something to do...but loved books and internet.sound familiar?

Im being as honest as I can... since you asked like.

Merry Christmas and sporting new year middle aged man pretending to be 89..and don't worry about what im doing im not into pure patterdales anyway.

So you and Brian Plummer's legacy is safe.

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