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Vets = Tuck Up Merchants

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I was the vet's last night 70 Euro for an xray 33.95 for them to look at dog again even tho it was a fellow up 22.30 for two injections and 9 Euro for 5 days of tablets and back again in 5 days the vet I used to go to retired the most he ever charged if you went to his house was 40/50 Euro

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rat poison, children and dogs........................................he may of got off light with that bill

Beastiality is not accepted over here I'm afraid.....

Plenty of good vets about with good results,

Animal welfare . . More there bank balance welfare , we know they put a great deal into qualifying ect but what I've seen & heard it literally is a licence to print money playing on people's vulnerability / lack of knowledge , all there interested in where I go is pet dogs & cats . . I'd love to price work for 1 off them as I'd be working off there figures to a degree just to give them a little taste of there own medicine ;)

You wouldn't even need to give a quote, they can just trust you like we have to with them.

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My father knows an old couple who wiped out all there savings and had to sell their house and move into a mobile home due to vet bills.

Vets know some old people will do anything to keep their little Westies going and milk it for all it's worth.

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Wasn't a veterinary lecturer secretly filmed a while back giving a lecture to a classroom of students.

He asked the question whats the best course to take with a greyhound with a severely damaged leg.

A student said euthanasia because a greyhound would have no quality of life.

The lecturer said "Wrong" as that would mean one single payment but to amputate would mean an expensive operation and a long road to recover with plenty more treatment.

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Wasn't a veterinary lecturer secretly filmed a while back giving a lecture to a classroom of students.

He asked the question whats the best course to take with a greyhound with a severely damaged leg.

A student said euthanasia because a greyhound would have no quality of life.

The lecturer said "Wrong" as that would mean one single payment but to amputate would mean an expensive operation and a long road to recover with plenty more treatment.

Sounds about right that

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The vets i use is pretty good price wise and aren't bothered about them being working dogs, every now and again there's a new one though who tries to tell you meat and bones is bad etc and try to sell you shite but they soon realise not to bother.

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My terrier are a gut full of rat poison, little sod nosed the lid off a tub and gobbled it down, took him to the vet and had a vitamin K jab and 2wks of tablets and he was home with me within the hr! Total about £100! Luckily I told the vet what happened what poison (single feed stuff) and roughly how much had been eaten.


I doubt there was enough dope in that bait station to do either dog any real harm and a shot of vitamin K and a course of tablets would be all that's required! E.G.: difenacoum and bromadialone has an ld50 of 200g per kg of body weight to be lethal! 7kg terrier would need to eat nearly 1.5kg of actual product to be lethal although some may need more and some less!

Brodificoum is 5g per kg (single feed that mine ate) so 35g and its game over!

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Took the pups up for there injections and micro chipping the nurse asked us if we had thought about getting the pups spayed when i asked why she gave us the spiel about the dogs having a better quaility of life etc i said i take it you havent read that americain report that contradicts all that you want to take time to read it

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I lost my spaniel to vets incompetence, over the course of a year a blood/puss filled lump kept returning to his throat. Six visits and they would drain it saying it will go away on its own to which i replied we cant just keep doing this, the problem needs solving. One morning i woke to find him struggling to breathe and the lump was bigger than it had ever been so i rushed him off to the vets in question. They drained it and said we'll keep him in to monitor his condition, they did blood tests and said all was well by which time i was getting a little on the pushy side.


After about 2 hours they called and said hes going down hill so i went and removed him from their care and took him to the nearest vet hospital, within 30 mins the hospitals blood test revealed he had no platelets in his blood at all, the poor sod was suffering by this time so i made the decision to have him put to sleep, by the time i went to say goodbye he had passed away on his own accord.


I told the vet there what I've wrote above and he said it was a complete failure of care and they must have lied about his blood test result once they realised they had messed up big time. I kept cool and tried to move on until 3 month later the tossers sent me a bill for £1800.00p, i went straight down there and went ape s%#t. Never paid in the end.


Rab was only 5 yrs


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A very sad day today. After several years of medical training and hard work, a very good friend of mine has been struck off after just one minor indiscretion - he slept with one of his patients and can now no longer work in the profession. What a waste of all that training and money. A genuinely nice guy and an excellent vet.

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Can't believe some of the mark-ups on medication etc.


Surolan 15ml £19.25. That's without the consultation fee of (then) £36.00. Internet price = £8.88


£7.21 for Hibiscrub, which I thought was pretty good for 500ml, until it came through the hatch in a little brown bottle at 66ml. I priced it up at the local chemist and it was under £8 for 500ml, so them fcukers are making a 7 times price up.


Had similar with Epiotic, their's was over double the price, so bought the large one off the interweb.


Trouble is that they have got you by the bollox as a lot of stuff you need a prescription for... £££££££'s

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