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Puppy Training Help.

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Evening everyone. I am after a little bit of advice with regard to my pup. She is 10 weeks old now. Beardie/border cross Greyhound. I have been lettiing her drag a lead round in the house to get her used to having one on, as well as getting her to sit and little short retrieves in my kitchen whilst playing with her. She is doing really well, fetching a ball back and putting it in my hand. I have started taking her out on her lead with my other dog down the back of my house, she gets quite narky with the lead on snapping and growling and re fusing to walk. If I pick her up and carry her for a bit she will walk quite happily back home, but if I try and go past home she point blank refuses to go any further and starts the stroppy snapping and growling again. I am only talking of short 10 min walks, nothing more than that. Does anyone have any tips on getting her to accept her lead and walk on it. I give her plenty of praise when she is being good etc. I have tried distracting her with a toy and treats but the success is short lived. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks

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