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My Hw77K Review And Future Plans

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Save yourself hassle mate, cut or collapse (your choice) the spring and then use the washers to set the power, keep the top hat in place, when you strip it see if any lube has got past the piston seal, as this would be my first guess at the power fluctuation, in my experience 77s are very sensitive to spring pre load, and a tiny bit can make quite a difference, the reason I use dri-slide on the piston is to eliminate lube getting past the seal, just a dab of pure silicon oil on the seal.

Just read your previous post mate ok so no lube got past the seal, good, get the spring doctored mate, just get it done lol.

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Hello all,   I have had my HW77k for about 6 weeks and I love it, out the box it is an awesome rifle and my pcp (Rotex RM8) has taken a back seat and prob will for the short term. There's something

It's a good honest post from a responsible air rifle owner   It's been a joy to read.   Well done Rich

I think I have some good news to post...my HW77k is now legal and producing legal shots.yessssssss   So I took top hat out, removed the Delrin washer, re built rifle and now constantly putting out 1

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No worries mate :thumbs:


Marks point is a good one :thumbs:

..... from those chrono readings, it could be dieseling :yes:


..... check for grease on the piston seal and the front of the compression chamber when you take it apart again.


In fact, after thinking about it, you may be able to smell dieseling from the loading port or the end of the barrel.

If it smells like burnt grease, a few more shots may burn it off and bring back consistency.

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Just been reading this thread don't understand the reluctance to chop a coil or two off ,you are miles over the limit .if you had used jsb rs or falcon accuracy plus (same pellet) you would probably be another ftp above your current readings.

It really is dead easy 5-10 minutes to do a really good job and as others have said the power washers bring it up to exactly were you want it easy.

Gun smiths and tuners don't mess about putting 500 -1000 pellets through them .

From some of the hft masters shooters I have met you want about 11.2 ftp on a .177 77/97 for the best shooting cycle with medium weight pellets .

I have mine up at around 11.7/8 at the moment and it is giving slightly better trajectory at 45-50 yards but will be going back down near 11 next strip.

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I think I have some good news to post...my HW77k is now legal and producing legal shots.yessssssss


So I took top hat out, removed the Delrin washer, re built rifle and now constantly putting out 11.40ft/lb. so from the Welsh willy kit I have the spring and guide and that is it.


Here are my 10 shot string:


Shot 1. 789fps. 11.63ft/lb

Shot 2. 793fps. 11.72ft/lb

Shot 3. 791fps. 11.67ft/lb

Shot 4. 785fps. 11.51ft/lb

Shot 5. 787fps. 11.56ft/lb

Shot 6. 786fps. 11.52ft/lb

Shot 7. 791fps. 11.67ft/lb

Shot 8. 791fps. 11.67ft/lb

Shot 9. 789fps. 11.63ft/lb

Shot 10. 796fps 11.82ft/lb


Lowest reading was 785fps and highest was 796fps...11fps spread over 10 shots.


So to wrap this thread up then, firstly this has been a great experience and learning curve and even though I had problems I strongly suggest anyone with a springer to give it a try. Now if I ever have a problem I know I can strip and re build and try and solve the problem myself before shelling out lots of money for a professional.


I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the guys on here that have took the time to read and offer help and assistance. It really has been fun to do and write up especially with the problems. I know I spent hours on forums reading other people's threads so I hope in the future someone new to airgunning or even an experienced person may be able to take something from it.


I am one very happy air gunner :)





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Sounds like you are happy that's what counts .i would want a top hat to keep things in line if it was me .

You could try wearing ear defenders it takes away allot of the high end noises and lets you know if there is still anything undesirable going on inside ,the cocking arm on 77/97 can set off some reverb but you can deal with that very easy and if yours is new it might not do that anyway .

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@dayglowfrog the only reason I was prepared to sacrifice the top hat was mainly because weihrauch do not give you one as standard. in an ideal situation I would have kept it but I really didn't want to collapse the spring. When I took the rifle apart that was a huge gamble for me as I'm not the best when it comes to diy etc.


If I sent my rifle away I bet the first thing they would do is collapse the spring and add delrin washers to bring the power back up. I might still end up doing that but for the short term I'm happy I'm in possession of a legal gun and tbh that was worrying me.

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Also just add on my previous message, at the moment my rifle is legal but I haven't had the chance to go to the range and test her accuracy. That will ultimately determine if she's shooting to her best with the current set up. @dayglowfrog you have got me thinking am I taking a short cut...


Once I've tested her on the range, I might message Will from woodfield and listen to his suggestions (I bet he says collapse a spring and keep his set up)

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I messaged Welsh willy last night and top bloke replied to me this morning, xmas eve and he's helping me out. I have made a massive school boy error and it's the reason I have been over. I did not realise I had steel washers already in my piston, removed that and put the top hat back onto the spring, took a few test shots and it's running at 11.84ft/lb.


What a plonker, but you learn by your mistakes.

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I told you to check for piston weights...


Mine had 2 3mm washers in the piston, and what a bugger to get out too...


Glad you found them, now put the top hat in it will shoot sweeter yet, as it lets your spring move easier. Think when you cock the gun the spring wants to twist on its self and when firing it wants to untwist its self.


Next youll be thinking of spring end bearings.


Im keen to hear of the solving under lever reverb noise?

Ive heard people use magnets....


Also some say a layer of insulation tape between stock and action helps too???



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As for the anti bear trap... it stops you from pulling the trigger when rifle is cocked (when loading).

If the piston to under lever catch rod breaks (which normally snaps at piston end), its good bye thumb any way as it does not lock the piston back only the trigger.


This is just info for you to know your gun better and understanding how it works,


But i do recommend reading into compression ratios...



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