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Corrosion On Shotgun Cartridges

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Hi, I'm after some advice.

I've been given some boxes of non-toxic shotgun cartridges ( a mix of steel, bismuth and tungsten matrix) by an elderly neighbour of mine who feels he isn't likely to use them.

I suspect he may have had these for some time as many of the cartridges have bits of corrosion/rust on the brass caps.

My question is are they still safe to use or are they likely to cause problems? Should I try to rub the corrosion off with sandpaper? Given the price of non-toxic shot I'd rather keep and use them. Sorry for the quality of the pics, my phone didn't want to play.


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Used a poundland brass wire brush on mine that salt waters a quick corroder of any cartridge .Squirt of wd 40 and a scrub sorted,if your worried about the primer then seal it with clear varnish or it your tight use nail varnish but dont let er indoors catch you .Bloomin evil them woman things

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The case takes no pressure, it's just a way of packaging the powder & shot, the barrel chamber does all the work.

That high brass is put there to make 'us' think that this cartridge is 'powerful' (oooh), nope complete nonsense just

a way to make us feel better about the cost of magnum / non-toxic loads.

I have fired loads of old and rusting cartridges, the only bad thing that can happen is that the primer is 'duff' and it

doesn't go bang.

I even found a live but colour faded and rusted 12g shell in the woods were we go pigeon shooting in February, so

it was at least a year old as no one is allowed there except for the annual pigeon shoots, just to see I popped it in

my gun and 'bang' it went no problem (it was a Eley in case you were wondering).

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  • 3 months later...

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