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Cheap Trap Treatment

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Not sure how trap treatment is commonly done for you guys but dye and wax,speed dip or FMJ are pretty common. However theirs a different way many do it ,is with a metal paint thinned out with paint thinner. I usually just spray paint mine but I'm trying this and so far all my traps are coming out nice. Basically you take a metal paint (Rustolum is the most common over here ) and thin it out 50/50 with paint thinner. Let your traps slightly rust,dip and let dry over night. I made 2gal for $51.00 and so far I've been able to dip around two dozen traps and barely use a 1/10th of way I made. The ones I died last night have little to no smell and a pretty good coat. How ever I would like to mention if your using this for snares ,to treat them before dipping. If you don't dull your cable it won't work properly. I had some new snares I made out of 1X19 5/64ths and I didn't dull them and they can out pretty poor,how ever the foot snares that were dulled came out very nice. I'll have to post pics tomorrow when the lights better.

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Here they are ! Now they can out pretty good but due to the cold some of the paint didn't drip the way it should,also I didn't restive the paint the second day and it got a bit thick. But all and all pretty happy.


As you see with this foot snare ,if you dulled your cable it costs very nicely.


Can't say the same about cable right out the box


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Well those foot snares go to my 6" Beliles (pretty sure I miss spelled that lol ) but it's a thrower that works like a regular foot hold but the snare is what holds the animal and the trap pops off after a short fight. I've been trying them for coyotes but haven't had much luck ,mainly because I keep leaving the safety on lol !

But there's also another method that alot of live market trapped use and that's leg snaring. Basically an extremely heavily loaded snare ( usually 5/65th 1X19 ) is placed in a trail only an inch or so off the ground to target the animal leg. But it's one of those things that only a few trappers know and only few talk about if ya get my drift.

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