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Your Worst Car ?

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A line up of some oldies on a local car park 1970s

My Aston Martin DB 11 was beset with electrical problems when I first took delivery. Believe it or not the heated seats would not function on the highest setting and sod's law this was during the cold

Renault Laguna. Stay away from anything French IMO!

you lot are just playing at it with these modern cars,,,i think the worst i had was a princess,,,and thats saying somthing concidering i had a lada......that princess, was one thirsty fecking thing,,and it rolled round corners

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My moderns have been the worst cars.

Vauxhall Frontera 1998. Couldn't park it on a slope as there was always some air in the fuel system, so it wouldn't start.

I persisted with sorting the problems out. Speedo was intermittent. Mainly didn't work but would spring into life at 45 mph then die again.

I had to use a GPS speedo off ebay.

Radius arm bracket snapped off the chassis, so that was that. The rear chassis members let water in but not out.


I had a VW Golf diesel 1999. The door handles!! The mechanisms would fail, so open rear door and lean through to open driver's door. Till that failed. Then use other door, then other. Gearbox was always playing up.


So I am back to good old Minis and Metros. Though my 1988 Metro is cutting out when warm. Just put another needle in the carb and diverted the water run through on inlet manifold

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  On 07/12/2016 at 22:06, beast said:

tata pick up which i got for 500 quid as a filler. engine was ok 2.0 diesel from peugeot, everything else about it was crap. driving through bridgewater somerset one day the accelerator pedal fell off, took about 6 inch square of the floor with it. managed to tiiiie it back with an old coat hanger to get me back to weston where i was staying. leak somewhere round the bulkhead so the footwell would literally fill with water when it rained. loads of other issues. kept it about 6 months but refused to spend any money on it, so that went for scrap.

I bought one for £1800 drove it from the forest of dean and sold it a week later for £1000 instant dislike to it

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Renault megane estate by far the worst , it was a different light on the dashboard everyday and it was a toss up whether the windows would work or not or if the stupid keyless card thing would be recognised and start the car even though it had just opened the doors . It pissed me off so much I only kept it a couple of months before I scrapped it .

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  On 07/12/2016 at 21:16, Lenmcharristar said:


  On 07/12/2016 at 21:14, kanny said:


  On 07/12/2016 at 21:05, Lenmcharristar said:

A shitsall Astra diesel

I had a 1.7td sport ....sport my arse!
the 1.7 was the Isuzu engine, mine had the 2.0 sti (dti). A shit heap

I had the one with the izuzi engine, they guy i bought it from said there bomb proof these engines.


2 days later it blew up!

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Disco 300 tdi definitely the worst car I've had. Chassis and floor made out of paper mache. Engine was good though when it didn't decide to explode bits like the steering pump off. Couldn't wait to see the back of it.

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