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There are many who will have had to lend a hand to a dog or dogs to bring things to a swift and effective conclusion. The fact that they are filming it rather than dealing with it is a measure of the

That's the reason why your memories should stay in the feild...why folk feel the need to video or pictures of shit like that is disturbing imo.atb dc

One saying that really pisses me off is ""it gives the antis more ammo " ,,,,,,,,,,,we are talking about nutters who want the world to all be vegan ,,who think the life of a fox is more important than

Well stiff if your not on the wind up your talking bollocks buddy not many I know or would ever want to know or would behave like that or would put a terrier in a cage like that because if they did they would get a slap nor would there pens be like that either pricks like that cause us all unwanted attention

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The state of the pens is disgusting but irrelevant


The simple fact that people are vilifying the man for photos is hypocritical as f**k , Im not a picture taker at all but to post snaps up of your dog on here or Facebook is one and the same




Can't get my head round it with people saying scum etc


Must be some absolutely world beaters up and down the country who can finish all quarry single handed with out a knife shovel foot or fence post


Get f***ing real


As for bringing it into on top, a lot of the hare coursing boys should take a look in the mirror first

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Jesus f**k where do we get them ? Why don't you just post your name , address and bank details aswell stiffmeister. You've practically just catagorised every man that has ever hunted in the same bracket as yourself and the vile scum that carried out these acts . Your either taking the piss or a brain dead c**t that knows no better

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None of the above I'm afraid


Just find it hilarious as if those pics had been on here 12 months ago it would have been good crack boys or how's he bred comments


Mentally ill


As you tarring myself with the same brush, we all are .


We set dogs into wild animals


That is lurcherwork in a nutshell


If you can't be honest about what you do how can you be honest with your dog ?


I won't comment anymore tbh as I m not the sharpest and struggle to put across how I mean to explain it


Please keep me in mind though boys , I'm planning on getting a single handed rhino killer in a season or two and I'm glad I've stumbled upon this as there's clearly a mass of dogs across the country capable of killing anything without interference


Yours, desperately seeking for fence posts



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None of the above I'm afraid


Just find it hilarious as if those pics had been on here 12 months ago it would have been good crack boys or how's he bred comments


Mentally ill


As you tarring myself with the same brush, we all are .


We set dogs into wild animals


That is lurcherwork in a nutshell


If you can't be honest about what you do how can you be honest with your dog ?


I won't comment anymore tbh as I m not the sharpest and struggle to put across how I mean to explain it


Please keep me in mind though boys , I'm planning on getting a single handed rhino killer in a season or two and I'm glad I've stumbled upon this as there's clearly a mass of dogs across the country capable of killing anything without interference


Yours, desperately seeking for fence posts



Only rats and rabbits here fella :thumbs:

PS and if you are wanting a dog to take rhino with a dog, single handed, you won't be needing a fencepost :thumbs:

Edited by shaaark
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Always thought you could tell alot about someone by the amount of shit in their dog runs.some of the comments on here are worrying at times.there's no defending 30,000 sick f****d up videos or pics of torturing wild animals imo-the bunch of pricks should get alot more than a 5/10 yr ban and conditional discharge with a pissy little fine.they are not some spotty teens but grown men that should of had abit more about them.pure f**k wits and those that condone such acts have no place on here or in the british countryside.memories should stay in the fields not on your smartphone simples.atb dc

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I have said it before and will say it again, keep your sport to the chosen few and long may it continue!!! All who boast about it are trying to get a name for themselfs, in it for all the wrong reasons. And most have only had a dog 2mins and they get a load of muppet followers loving all the silly shit they post. Wouldn't know a good dog if it bit them on the arse. Sad really. ATB

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what's funny is if the lad would of put some of those pictures up on here a few weeks ago loads of you would've been giving pats on the back.


How another hunting man can call another but will happily put a terrier or ferret to ground or slip a lurcher is beyond me. Hunting is hunting killing is killing. The cage stuff I don't like I wouldn't ever put me dog on sommat that doesn't have a chance to get away. same wwith the pens but how do we know the dogs wernt put in old chicken pen or sommat just for the picture ?


Too many got opinions cast in stone without knowing all the facts.

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All the years I've dug to my terriers or ran stuff with the lurchers I've never felt the need to take a pic of dogs with anything other than a few rabbits or rats.dug and despatched hundreds of fox but don't have one picture taken after the ban.Look out the window at my dogs and I know what I'm feeding...never felt the urge to film them to get a patt on the back.like it's already been said most of these lads never had the pleasure to work a dog before the ban-because they are barely into their twentys now lol.when the shit hits the fan they be the first to sing to save their own necks...that's a fact .we have all broken the law at some point only difference being those with a brain wouldn't film their selves doing it.that's my only problem with it and the fact that one twat had all that evidence to hang so many lads...I don't concern myself with what others get up to...but when it tars us all with the same mark I will distance myself from such stupidity. I must value my dogs and freedom more than most that's why it's best to stay under the radar so to speak ;).atb dc

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Daniel Cain I'm in my 20s and went coursing 2 or 3 times before the ban. Does that mean you are calling me a grass ?


Nobody's saying start videoing and taking pictures of what you do. you wouldn't have much to say about a fisherman taking a snap of a fish he's caught why is hunting any different ?

Edited by C.green
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