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Not To Jump Fences

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My first lurcher got caught a few times on the dreaded barbed wire. I decided never to teach her daughter to jump. She lost a fair bit through not jumping. My old bitch will jump anything or try n go through it in full flight lol. But my lamping bitch got caught on a double fence early last season and jumping is now out the window. Thought see would be fine this season, but so far it's been a nightmare. I'm now stuck between a rock n a hard place atb

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They need to jump . A lot of stuff is lost with dogs pulling up at fences / hedges. I hate seeing a dog running up and down a hedge . Find a gap and get through. I always take my pups out young and leave them at pig netting fences to find a way through and never lift em over. They learn quickly, some will go under or through some are natural jumpers. Accidents do happen but they re working dogs and it's the nature of the job

Edited by jake824
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It's the same sort of thing as crashing into hedges do you like your dog crashing into hedges? Both of my dogs will smash through a hedge at full speed sometimes it makes me cringe I see a young beddy whippet dog smash into a hedge after a rabbit one night only to get speared by an old iron steak in the hedge the dog had to be put down I guess it's one of those things though where ever you lamp there are hazards and it's luck of the draw on the night

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I like a hedge buster myself as I like doing abit of hunting in forestry block and woodland so a dog that's handy round cover is a must.


As for jumping all my dogs jump never owned one that won't f**k all that picking them up at gates and fences up and over.


Have come unstuck a few times was having a walk by chievely services and me dog jumped one of the double fences landed clean on the second fence. Also try to teach a dog to go under wire on command.

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Yeah I like how mine smash into hedges it just makes me gulp sometimes haha same with the fences mine will jump anything and tbh I'd lose a lot of stuff if they didn't jump or crash into hedges, a mate of mine lost a bull collie greyhound a couple years back that dog cleared any fence, one day he commanded it to jump a double fence that the dog jumped every day for nearly 5 years this one day his back leg dropped in between the brow fences and snapped ligaments had to be put down

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