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I have just found crack in the toilet when i went to clean it , and when i flushed the chain water came out, so can u put some sillicone on the crack to tide me over till after xmas , i wanted to check before i do it

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Sillicone dosn't stick to a wet surface. If you can ensure the surface in COMPLETLY dry, then you may get away with it. You can get a product called "Sticks like sh*t" at a builders merchants that will stick to it, even if it's damp, and yes, that's what the real name of it is!


Another way of doing it, would be to get some fibreglass body filler, meant for cars. you can get it in quite small quantities from most car accesory shops. Again, you would have to ensure the area is completly dry before you use it, and i'd advise wearing gloves before you mix, and apply it. Just rough the area aroud the crack with some corse sandpaper to give some key to the filler. That would probably be the best method. Hope this helps! :thumbs:

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Nothing worse than a leaking, shitty crack :sick: :sick: :laugh::laugh:

Get hubby to eat some of those crispbread things then his number 2's should float, either that or he will be constipated for a very long time :laugh:


Oh he does my head in he thinks summats wrong with him if he hasnt had at least 3 a day :laugh: and despite his age he still piddles on the floor :censored: well he can clean it up now i have set him on mending it :laugh:

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