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My Mink And Lurcher Getting A Muskrat

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Here's a video of my pointer lurcher Onsa using her nose to locate a hidden muskrat, and then my mink Fang capturing that muskrat.....   https://youtu.be/88shQvwJPvk   Here are a few stills from t

Yeah, I've taught the lurcher to stand back and let the mink do its job unless I say otherwise. Rushing in while the mink is on a kill is not beneficial, and can potentially cause problems. It's not a

So is the dog! They really are a great team! With just the mink I would have had quite a difficult time finding a single muskrat hiding in that marsh. But with the lurcher there to help, we could quic

Very good explanation which makes total sense! You have a very lethal combination there and a credit to you!


Thanks! I want to get some footage of the lurcher in action too! She's far from just a casual observer, and is pretty good at catching muskrats, even when they are swimming under water!

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What motivated you to work with mink in particular, plenty of dogs birds game /wildlife / space to choose from over there


And another one, is the dog hunting for the mink , what I mean by that is you seems to be more set up for the mink to catch with the carrying box doubling as a catch box and the dog taking a side seat for you to watch the mink work , the reverse of overhere

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Very good mate, you've got some great natural footage there that wildlife film makers would be proud of! ;-)


I see the catch box has been greatly modified since your beginnings as well.


I can see a DVD being available in the future.....;-)

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What motivated you to work with mink in particular, plenty of dogs birds game /wildlife / space to choose from over there


And another one, is the dog hunting for the mink , what I mean by that is you seems to be more set up for the mink to catch with the carrying box doubling as a catch box and the dog taking a side seat for you to watch the mink work , the reverse of overhere


It depends on the situation, and what we are hunting. If the mink has something under control, I don't want the dog interfering. Yes in a way I would say the dog is working for the mink. But she does get to catch plenty of stuff too, both when hunting with the mink, and on her own. The dog has caught plenty of muskrats, brown rats, and just a few weeks ago she got her first rabbit (she's only 9 months old, so we havn't done much with rabbits yet). Some of the game she caught was flushed by the mink, some of it she found and caught without the mink's help whatsoever. Had that muskrat been out where the dog could get it when she located it, my dog would have killed it on here own and there would have been no need for the mink. But when an animal is down a hole, then it's the mink's turn, and unless the animal is going to escape from the mink, I don't want the dog to interfear. When she's older I plan on coursing fox and hare with her and some friend's dogs, and that obviously won't involve the mink. Unless of course the hare goes to ground (which happens occasionally out here), in which case the mink will then be working for the dog ;)



This video explains why I started with mink in the first place......



Edited by Minkenry
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