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Cheers jimmy the guy who made it has a gift with such things he is currently working on another catty for me another plug for west yorkshire catapults , he is on facebook and instagram should anyone want to know more about his work

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Awesome this recently made by glen at west yorkshire catapults great workmanship landed today


I have a few nice antlers out in my fork box, and I see many of these antler/bullet cattys for sale on eBay, but my two main reservations about them are, one, they look to nice to use and seem more ornamental than functional, secondly I am massively reserved about joining parts of a fork together as it looks to me like one day, one of the brass cases is going to come adrift and hit you in the face or worse the eye, I know this is a worse case scenario but that's what I think whenever I see them, has anyone that regularly shoots catty,s used one of these things as an everyday shooter, over a period of a year or more, I carry a catty with me more or less everywhere I go, and might have one or to opportunist shots 3/4 times a week this is what I mean by regular everyday use, I think the workmanship and look of these is lovely, so please don't think I,m being critical, just curios
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Awesome this recently made by glen at west yorkshire catapults great workmanship landed today


I have a few nice antlers out in my fork box, and I see many of these antler/bullet cattys for sale on eBay, but my two main reservations about them are, one, they look to nice to use and seem more ornamental than functional, secondly I am massively reserved about joining parts of a fork together as it looks to me like one day, one of the brass cases is going to come adrift and hit you in the face or worse the eye, I know this is a worse case scenario but that's what I think whenever I see them, has anyone that regularly shoots catty,s used one of these things as an everyday shooter, over a period of a year or more, I carry a catty with me more or less everywhere I go, and might have one or to opportunist shots 3/4 times a week this is what I mean by regular everyday use, I think the workmanship and look of these is lovely, so please don't think I,m being critical, just curios

They certainly ain't usable every day few fork hits and there fecked. I've got a fair few antlers I just wrap and tuck the elastic to a good shaped antler cover with some tape to protect it and fire away a natural antler catty sort of thing ??

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Awesome this recently made by glen at west yorkshire catapults great workmanship landed today


I have a few nice antlers out in my fork box, and I see many of these antler/bullet cattys for sale on eBay, but my two main reservations about them are, one, they look to nice to use and seem more ornamental than functional, secondly I am massively reserved about joining parts of a fork together as it looks to me like one day, one of the brass cases is going to come adrift and hit you in the face or worse the eye, I know this is a worse case scenario but that's what I think whenever I see them, has anyone that regularly shoots catty,s used one of these things as an everyday shooter, over a period of a year or more, I carry a catty with me more or less everywhere I go, and might have one or to opportunist shots 3/4 times a week this is what I mean by regular everyday use, I think the workmanship and look of these is lovely, so please don't think I,m being critical, just curios


They certainly ain't usable every day few fork hits and there fecked. I've got a fair few antlers I just wrap and tuck the elastic to a good shaped antler cover with some tape to protect it and fire away a natural antler catty sort of thing

cheers mate, pretty much what I thought, guess I,ll stick with my one piece forks, might even get round to banding up an antler
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Well ive only had this a couple of weeks , its in my pocket everytime i go work six days a week and i shoot around 50 shots a day through it on my walk to and from work not to mention walking my dog , only tine will tell but it feels really robust and shows no signs of movement, this one is the only one i can speak for but its really comfortable and as for as for hits i dont get them ever , only on pickleforks , i will quite happily keep using this and report on how it does but i forsee plenty of good use from it



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Well ive only had this a couple of weeks , its in my pocket everytime i go work six days a week and i shoot around 50 shots a day through it on my walk to and from work not to mention walking my dog , only tine will tell but it feels really robust and shows no signs of movement, this one is the only one i can speak for but its really comfortable and as for as for hits i dont get them ever , only on pickleforks , i will quite happily keep using this and report on how it does but i forsee plenty of good use from it



nice one, the other side of the story thanks, do you hunt with it, I have,nt used those square bands since I was a kid it used to cost us 2p a foot from the buy and try hardware shop,
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I havnt shot at game yet with it as i like to get a good feel for a frame first but i can shoot it accuratly enough to happily hunt , as for as the sqaure elastic goes it is good stuff quite heavy draw great for leads , i have changed to some green dubdub so i can shoot 9.5 mm steel out of it with ease and its very impressive

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